Thursday, November 7, 2013


Flip  11/7/2013

As if in a trance
We follow the music
Dancing to a tune
We never chose at all.

Decided for us, in advance
Because we must be too dumb
To understand what we need
And know what is best. 

Drawn like moths to the flame
Where we are burned, but never learn
Returning again, and again
Never any wiser,
Or brighter. 

Man will always prefer, to double down
Digging in his heels reflexively
Rather than acknowledge
That he might be wrong. 

But being wrong is not a sin
If only we could grow and learn
But ignoring the truth
Is a horror and a curse.

It is not a punishment
If what we do is right
And there is no shame
In telling the truth. 

Any adversity
Will come part and parcel
When we decide who we really are
And make the choice.

Its not about me
And if you understand
Then its not about you
But only a framework
For others to complete. 

None of this
Happened over night
So even the journey uphill
Is not accomplished
In a day. 

But rather it is the smallest choices
One after another
As we pick our steps carefully
All the way home.

The sting of judgment
Will pierce your heart
And make you feel ashamed
Every time you are forgotten,
Accused and ignored.

I know that it hurts
And that loneliness feels awful
But even this will serve a purpose
Sometime and someplace
That is still
Yet to come.

All we have to do
Is know what matters
Because what we see will disappear
But what we love
Will live forever. 

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