Friday, May 31, 2013

In the clear

War Paint 5/31/2013

Not every wound
Can be seen
And not every horror
Leaves a scar.

Every day I get up
And every day I carry on
But inside I am damaged
And this wound
Has never healed.

It’s as if
I was born asleep
And life’s injuries
Have awakened me
One cut at a time.

I was a day dreamer
Lost in my thoughts
Imagining possibilities
Where all I saw
Was rot.

Some of them were sharp
And some of them were blunt
But either way
The rocks cut and smash.

The worst are the ones
That you never see coming
In the middle of a day dream
When you guard is down.

Sudden, sharp, and painful
Is the stab in your back
Bringing you down to your knees
And gasping for breath.

Sometimes these wounds are fatal
And you bleed out on the ground
As death covers over your eyes
With wet black blanket.

How badly can we be wounded?
And yet still somehow survive
And how far can a man fall?
And yet still climb out.

I reached my hand back
And felt the gaping hole
Catching the blood
And smearing it
On my face.

Now I am full blooded
And now I am awake
Never to be the same again
More guarded, careful,
Vigilant, and aware.

But if safety is an illusion
Than what is there to fear?
Because all men must die
But only a handful
Ever live.

Now I am ready to cherish
All that remains
And I am willing
To give all
For what I have
And what is true.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Day in Day out

Day in Day out 5/30/2013

There is a lake
Far away from here
And in it is a secret
That I don’t know.

The earth and its waters
Are more mysterious
Than you think
And buried in them
Are the answers
We cannot find.

Antiquity has buried
The magic we call myth
And in it is the truth
That we have ignored.

We are not near as smart
As we think we are
And our arrogance is greater
Than any other
Has pretended.

The dead hand holds the secrets
That my mind has rejected
And the rock cut by God
Shall bring it all down.

All of this we know
And all of this we have learned
But its not worth a thing
If we do not observe
And reject the truth.

The truth is the truth
And sometimes it hurts
No matter what we hear
And what we wish.

On the street
And in the stores
Standing in line
And sitting at your desk.

What is the truth?
And what does it say?
Because no argument means a thing
If it contradicts
What you know.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Rule of Thumb

Rule of Thumb 5/29/2013

I don’t usually dream
Of the here and now
But instead my mind wanders
Into the depths of the estranged
And the lost.

The lost people and relationships
That time and distance have removed
Leaving them remote, unfinished
Unresolved, and perfect.

The way we live
And the people we know
We take for granted
And push aside.

We seldom think
Of what it is
That they want
Or what it is
That they wish.

We go out of our way
To find the missing pieces
All the while ignoring
What we already have.

Life is always better than we think
And the time is now
To have and hold
Because nothing is worse
Than grabbing at the air.

Lovers can come and go
And even the sun
Will hide behind the clouds
But God gave us friends
To remember forever.

No man can choose his parents
And no man can escape
Evil and betrayal
But even all this
Should draw us closer
To what we have
And can never lose.

I can ask all that I want
And I can pray for still more
Joy and companionship
But nothing can remain
Unless God agrees.

The world can be cold,
Cruel and inhuman
Crushing us under the weight
Of dread and boredom.

But life is for living
And people are for loving
Giving us a reason
To rise up
Again and again.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Losing Time

Losing Time 5/28/2013

Hooray, Hooray the end is near
The end that I love
With all of my heart
Because nothing is ever new
And nothing is ever done.

A beautiful beginning
Requires a beautiful end
And with the miracle of birth
We can still have a beautiful death.

I was always loyal
More than I should have been
Never seeing what I could do
Until it was far too late.

When I met her
Anything was possible
And together
Nothing could hold us back
And the world was ours
To take and drink.

For a brief moment
I was free
And I did not have a care
Without any limits
As we flew through the air.

But I was afraid to lose
What I could barely touch
So I held on to what I could
And it will never be enough.

I clung to what I could get
But lost it all anyway
And instead of ruling the world
I was left with nothing.

I could blame others
Or I could blame myself
That I had a golden throne
That crumbled to dust.

That world has died
And I can never forget the day
When I felt the change
As everything I knew slipped away
And I was the only one left.

The world has lost its color
And now survives in muted gray
Slowing down to a standstill
Until it seems like forever.

Before is a time
Flattened onto pictures
And embedded in memories
Too far away to touch
Or hold.

I can’t go back
And the future opens wide
To swallow me up
With is great black mouth.

Colorless, hopeless
Mindless, and dead
Where everything and everyone
Is controlled and dumb.

Our minds dulled with propaganda
And our future planned
With no control of our own destiny
Of success or failure.

But even this has an end
And it cannot come soon enough
So hip, hip, hooray
For the end
The wonderful, beautiful end.

In the new age
Even the dead shall live
And the truth will be more than enough
For us to see and understand.

I will mingle with them
And they will remember me
At last to gaze
Upon each other
With knowing smiles.

Free form this world
Once it has ended
At last free of worry,
And free forever.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Dead Eye Blind

Dead Eye Blind 5/24/2013

It doesn’t matter
If you turn up the volume
And it doesn’t matter
If you put your hand
On the scale.

What is true is true
Where we like it or not
And what is wrong is wrong
No matter who it hurts,
Marginalizes, rejects, or murders.

The truth is
That a man is guilty
Only for what he does
And the time to feel guilty
Is when you have done wrong.

But if you have not harmed your neighbor
Then you are innocent
And only the guilty shall blame
And hate the good.

Evil men are not moved by decency
And they are not assuaged with reason
To them these are nothing
But weakness and vulnerability.

Nothing more than a crack
In the enemies defenses
To be exploited
For power and murder.

How foolish would it be
For a man to kill himself
Or allow his sworn enemies
Inside his house.

But such is the folly of man
Stupidly clinging to lies
And conventional thinking
That he never sees the truth
Barreling down the street.

Each person has a truth
One that they wished wasn’t there
But today is as good a day as any
To take it,
Acknowledge it,
And defeat it.

Without the white elephant
Life becomes a simpler thing
Without the stress of pretending
That it is not there.

The sooner you know
The better you will be
As we throw off every lie
And live as we are.

Fairlie Poplar 5/24/2013

I used to walk
The sun dappled streets
But no longer am I welcome
And no longer do I ask.

The easy smiles are gone
And so also are my companions
Through, death or betrayal
Gone and washed away.

I do not know
If they remember
And I cannot know
How they think, or feel.

But to walk the same streets
Will never be the same
As for me
They are haunted
And full of death.

Once I was full of hope
And I dared to indulge my whims
But how foolish was I
To think that I could keep
What was never mine.

If I had all that I wanted
What good would I achieve?
Doing nothing
But wanting everything.

Nothing is mine
Save for my spirit and soul
And that is what I have learned
And what I hope to keep.

That is where my ambition lies
With improving my condition
Until I get as close to as I can
To what it is, I need
And what it is, I love.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

In the ditch

The Roadside 5/23/2013

If I lose my head
Than I have lost nothing
But if I run in fear
Everything is over.

My eyes are opened
And I do not flinch
As I see the eyes of hatred
And the emptiness of evil.

You just never know
From where or when
The evil hand reaches out
Most likely from below
Or behind.

Striking out when you are distracted
Or shocked
But never when you are ready
And never when you are alert.

Weak men are weak in the head
Unable to adjust or grow
Born dead
And lost to God.

They love to murder
And no idea is too deceitful
Or barbaric
When the end justifies the means
And the victims are deluded.

We are caught in a perfect storm
And beset from many angles
As the weak minded plot
To render the good
Brain washed and surrounded.

But the dam is about to burst
And water is still rising
Long after someone should have noticed
And long after
Someone should have spoken.

Life can look hopeless
As the world seems to founder
And fall upside down
But even this evil
Shall end,
And all burn away.

You can’t keep your castle
Without means to defended it
And life and liberty is impossible
Without the truth.

The truth stares us, in the face
So what are we to do?
With a choice to either turn away,
Or stare it down.

But first you must acknowledge the evil
With clear eyes
Free of lies
And historical misrepresentation.

Lies are seldom persecuted
But the truth is often suppressed
Now as it always has been
The citizen’s be damned
For a few votes more.

I am human
And my heart also bleeds
But I am more than what I seem
Because God fights with me
And I can do all things.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Getting a grip

In the grip 5/22/2013

Drip, drip, drip
The leaky Faucet cries
Forever and ever
Second by second
And drop by drop.

Beneath our feet
The termites scurry
Eating out the house
Right under our nose.

Someone left the backdoor open
And nobody noticed the change
Sneaking up behind us
And grabbing our throat.

The victim can thrash
All that he wants
But murderers grip is strong and sure
Cutting off the blood
And cutting off the air.

Blackness comes
And kills the brain
As the body fades
And falls to the floor.

After its over
People will point
But the complicit will argue
That it's too late.

They are just as guilty
And they are just as cruel
Knowing what will happen
In the fullness of time.

The future is cruel
And merciless
As the forgotten
Become the hated
And are hounded
To death.

Everything happens for a reason
And the enemy of their enemy
Shall always be their friend
Stacking the deck
And increasing the odds.

It’s getting late
And it’s getting cold
As the truth is targeted
And murder ignored.

The push is on
And it will never end
As at each and every hiccup
They just tighten their grip.

It’s now or never
Before our lights go out
Because it’s not a question of, if
It’s only a question
Of when.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Deadbolt 5/21/2013

You just never know
Until it’s over
And no one can see it all
Until they look backwards
With cold and deadly eyes.

A cruel world is without a conscience
And nothing is ever
As simple as it seems
Because one thing leads to another
And all of it
Is a horror.

Blazing rocks fall from heaven
And a lightning bolt
Pierces the night
Thundering down the street
Mindless and dead.

But even if I, cannot know
I can look
And I can see
Tracing with my fingers
To see where it leads.

Even deceitful men
Have to die
And even the mighty
Will choke and grovel.

Because God is greater than man
And he knows
What we do
And what we wish.

My eyes have been opened
And my heart has been stretched
Bringing me low
In order, to lift me up.

The innocent will be protected
And lifted out
By a silver cord
Brought home to the arms of God
To live forever.

The truth is the truth
No matter what we think or say
And even this shall pass away
Once the heavy hand falls.

The challenge remains
To do what is right
No matter what
And no matter when.

For in the end
They can punish if they want
Laughing while they can
Taking all their glory
Straight into the black.

Monday, May 20, 2013

One in the Hand

One in the hand 5/20/2013

Some men come from mud
And some men come from stars
But mine is the secret
Running in my veins.

I am a stranger who doesn’t belong
Always different
And always alone
Even when I laugh
And even when I hold.

We are made
And we are molded
Fired, scorched and frozen
But still unfinished
And still undone.

My flesh means nothing
But it holds my soul
Transducing my spirit
A lot more than some
Dumb and dead.

I wait
And I accept
Longing to return
To where I belong.

Don’t look now
Because the future is here
When he comes for us
And judges you.

There is no use in lying
And there is no hope for words
Because time has passed us by
And they cannot see the truth.

The sands dwindle and fall
Slipping through a tiny space
Flowing forever downward
And gone.

But pride is a horrible thing
And you can see it
At work in the dumb
Clouding their thoughts
And blinding their eyes.

Open up the sky
And let the fire come down
Because I have seen
And I am not afraid.

The spark has never died
But is alive in us
Bursting forth in a babies smile
And in our wakeful dreams.

My heart races
And my skin tingles
Each and every hair standing on end
Knowing that he is coming
And knowing that he is near.

We are loved
And this is real
As God reaches backwards
To hold us
In his hand.

Death has no teeth
And evil has no hope
Because we have already won
Content to wait
And reap.

Friday, May 17, 2013


Curvature 5/17/2013

I didn’t know
And I didn’t ask
To understand what is
And see what is not.

I have imagined more
Than anything I can do
And I have felt the tug
Of love and loss.

There is mystery and beauty
In everything and everyone
From sky above
To the deepest darkest trench.

But what have I done
With all that I have learned
And what can I say
That explains
What it means.

My life and my thoughts
Cover the earth
Taking off and landing
At random places and times.

The dimple on her thigh
And clouds passing over the moon
A red velvet couch,
And a babies smile.

What are we to make
Of the senseless loss
When we have so much to give
But never make the effort.

I know less now
Than I ever did then
Far less self-assured
Humbled and straightened.

But answers are no longer needed
When you know
Who you are
And where you are going.

There are no limits
And there is no end
Curving outwards and upwards

I will live
In black fields forever
Learning and creating
Sharing and laughing.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Golden 5/14/2013

I can shake my head
And I can roll my eyes
But nothing every changes
And it’s always the same.

Evil men get what they want
And punish the good
Every chance they get
Never missing an opportunity
To take everything they can.

It is so strange
And so foreign
That we never know what to say
And that they never rest
Until they steal something more.

Conniving behind the scenes
And chatting up the boss
Anything to cut you off
And take your place.

Lying and stealing
Just to take whatever is left
And no one ever does a thing
To stop them in their tracks.

Giving in and giving up
To Take the path of least resistance
Rolling over and under
Out of convenience
And politics.

I don’t know how they live
And I don’t know how they sleep
Knowing all they have done
And knowing what they stole.

But how could I ever know
What lurks in the hearts of men?
If they have no conscience
And if they have no soul.

One dimensional dumb and dead
They are the hollow and the vacant
Just as shallow as they are selfish
And just as wasted
As they are cruel.

Only God keeps me alive
Against the cruelty of others
As they cart away
All I ever cared about
And all I ever loved.

I hope they reap a harvest
Half as empty as mine
And gorge themselves on the dust
Blowing across the plains.

I watch them walk around
All proud and self assured
While I choked down my tears
Of shame and want.

But there are things
That have no answer
And it’s useless to guess
Why others
Do what they do.

Because God only knows
If I am worthy
And God only knows
What others may see.

And should we mourn
For a world tipped over?
Where evil is called Good
And good called evil.

This is their reward
And this is their food
As we wait for what is better
And what shall feed us

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

She Thought

She Thought 5/14/2013

She was waiting
For me to get her drink
And she was thinking
About how she felt.

Always changing
And always guilty
Never loving herself
Enough to grow.

But she should not have bothered
To ask me why
Unless she was ready
To know.

She should have saved herself
And just walked away instead
Leaving me to sleep
And drink till I’m dead.

There is no time to waste
And precious little money
All of it just as worthless
As they wanted it to be.

The streets are empty
And the houses barricaded
As we huddle
And wait for the end.

And I am waited down
With the past
Burdened from birth
And weighted to fail.

But the end of one thing
Is the beginning of another
And I am ready for a new start
The kind I never had.

She is still thinking
But even for her
The time is now
If she can walk the road
And give.

In this world
Nobody gets it all
And what you give up
Is always less
Than what you think.

This that I lose
Is not much at all
But I would never have known
If I had the choice.

Monday, May 13, 2013


Flammable 5/13/2013

The earth is disturbed
Freshly tilled and loose
Covering over the mouths
Frozen forever in horror.

How many have fallen
Purposely murdered and molested
Attacked from behind
And below.

Some never had a chance
Unaware and unprepared
Casually walking down the street
Safe and defenseless.

Who has remembered their names
And who has wept
Not those sworn to protect
And defend.

And some have gone ahead
Without proper defenses
Sent into hell
And set up for death.

Who among us knows
What it feels like
To be betrayed and forgotten
In a long dark night of the soul.

So what of the dead
Are we to make
When even their memory
Is insulted and condemned?

Unforgiveable cruelty
And inhuman insult
The kind God will not allow
For long.

Their day will come
As the blood calls out
From the hallowed ground
Crying out for true justice
Once and for all.

We are not alone
And even silent prayers are heard
Even when it’s too late
And even when we sleep.

If you have eyes
Then you can see the flames
And even though they shout
“There is no fire!”
You know the truth
And you’ll know what to do.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Heads or Tails

Heads or Tails 5/10/2013

Ponder the possibilities
Of accidental fate
And think on the chances
Of all you heard
And all you know.

Can you believe
Everything you see?
And can you guess
What hasn’t happened yet?

What evil could we do
If we allow our minds to drift
Clamping down on every detail
To demean, ridicule, and injure.

To use and abuse
And increase the risk
That others may stumble and fall
Making them vulnerable
At precisely the right time.

Setting people up
For either promotion
Or for failure
And watching them every moment
For whatever may come.

Waiting for the shoe to fall
And stomp them out
Crushing their lives without a thought
And casually walking away.

Hiding behind others
And demagogic prejudice
Because no one will question
What hatred allows.

But everything that begins
Always has an end
And this is no exception
Over used and over spent.

The snake swallows its tail
And it shall choke and die
Killing itself out of ignorance
And juvenile hatred.

The other shoe will also fall
And it’s best to remember
That when you see the head
The tail shall surely follow.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Cutting the Cord

Cutting the Cord 5/8/2013

Everybody likes to chat
And lots of people like to argue
But it’s nothing more than a distraction
As we whistle past the graveyard
On our way to the end.

Gallows humor is the symptom
And I know what it feels like
As we laugh through our teeth
And shiver from the cold.

Something has changed
The clouds have blocked the sun
Dark, threatening, and ominous
As they move swiftly
Across the sky.

Animals can sense the danger
And they all run away
Scampering away
To look for higher ground.

It is the stragglers who die
Because they are weak
Or undefended
Too sick to keep up
With the rest of the herd.

But we wait
Attached to the chain
Tethered to normalcy
And all that we know.

Just because we are here
We think
We will last forever
Grown accustomed to safety
And fattened with food.

But we are nothing
But gnats on a giant
Living off the work of others
Long dead and gone.

Survival takes effort
And it takes not only wisdom
But the courage to act
And take chances.

The echoes are all around us
As we thrash in the thicket
Unaware of what it took
To be who we are
Or ever did
To get here.

The cat crouches
And fixes his gaze
Ready to take his chance
To leap and strike.

Because you love
You must make the choice
To go back for the rest
Or maybe save yourselves.

The good should not worry
What others may think
But instead they should act
Before the deed is done.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Out of the office for a few days, this one is an old one I have never blogged before, Hopefully I will have more time tomorrow

Sacrificed 5/7/2013

Of all the things
You will ever feel
To be thrown away like trash
Is the worst.

As you are left forgotten
To twist in the wind
Remembering all the good
And weeping in your hands.

It happened to me
In the middle of my life
And I slept on the couch
Because I could not sleep
In the bed
That place or horror and loss
Empty and dead.

You see I had a treasure
More valuable than gold
But then I watched it disappear
Right before my eyes.

Slowly fading in and out
Until nothing was left
Leaving me with nothing
And all alone in the dark.

I am alive
And I see my kids
But what can I say?
And what can I do?

Can I ever truly tell them
All that I have known?
And would they even believe
All that I have seen?

How can anyone
Reconcile that truth
The senseless abandonment
And unimaginable indifference.

Would they ever be able
To look them in the eye?
After all they did
And all they stole.

More than betrayal
And worse than deception
My spirit murdered
And stabbed in the back.

But if they never knew
Would it be any better?
To look at me and wonder
What on earth was wrong.

I hung my head in shame
Because I did not know what to say
And I swallowed back all the acid
Eating me from the inside out.

Nothing will ever be the same
As I worry what I will do
Because the earth
Beneath my feet is shaken
I have fallen through the cracks.

I opened my mouth to cry
But nothing came out
As I gasped for breath in horror
That all I loved was gone.

I watched it all
Walk out the door
Never to come back
A staggering loss of everything
That I had ever wanted.

No cruelty was spared
And there is only one reason
That it was plotted and planned
Leading like an animal to the slaughter
Spoiled, fattened, and dead.

I looked at her
And she looked at me
My eyes searching for recognition
But there was none to be found.

I have become the memory
Awkward and sad
Shoved into a box
In an abandoned house.

My dreams and promises
Meant nothing
Gone like a perfect summer day
Twenty years ago.

For some there is healing
And for some there is forgiveness
But my forgiveness is not enough
When there is rational reason
To understand or grasp.

Nothing is not enough
And the silence is worse than deatg
But what I need is something more
Something only God can know.

Where were they
When I was alone?
And where were they
When everything was lost?

Let the liars reap
All that they have sown
And let the evil men eat
All the blood they have spilled.

I pray she awakes
And washes the dirt
From her eyes
Finally learning
All that she has given
And all that she has lost.

And then I can know
And see it all anew
Healed on the other side
Complete, vindicated,
And true.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Last Night

Last Night 5/6/2013

Last night I couldn’t sleep
And tossed in my bed
Worrying about the future
And thinking about the past.

People, places and things
All come and go
But even the smallest mistake
Is remembered forever.

The ghosts still live
And all the living will die
Passing from one world
To the next
In the silence of the night.

I can still feel her breath
Hot on my ear
And the sweet lies of intimacy
Calling me backwards
All over again.

I can lose the car keys
But never the disappointments
And I can survive the wounds
But never forget
The who, where, and why.

Some times its hard
To even know
What to ask
And that is when
I ask to see
And understand.

Nobody knows what it’s like
To live another man's life
And no one will ever know
The content of our soul.

From the far distances of space
To the atoms and the cells
Piece by piece
And block by block.

We can study and we can inspect
But we will never know
All the secrets of the soul
Elusive and ethereal
Like bits of stardust
Swirling in space.

We can capture an image
In silver gelatin
But only God can understand
What it is
That we missed.

There is no other like me
And there is no other like you
But words can never describe
All that occurs
Inside our souls.

But the greatest loss
Is the present
As we forget what matters
And day dream away.

Love is here
And it remains
No matter how much we lose
And no matter how far
We have fallen.

Right now in front of us
Are the many
Going through the motions
In another mindless day.

Moving their hands
And shuffling their feet
Eating, drinking, and breathing
Though another precious hour.

We can capture an instant
And freeze it forever
But we are more than one dimension
And what we are
Cannot be defined.

Thousands of years have passed
Since we first knew
But still we wander
And still we doubt.

The salt on my skin
Is the same
And the tissues react
Just like before.

But we were meant
To be something else
Uncorrupted by decay
And death.

There are so many
I wish I could touch
And I wish I could hold
But time is slippery
And time is gone.

Who was awake that night
The night that the abandoned died
Murdered, defiled and drug around
While others slept
And others lied.

Cowards will stab you in the back
And laugh as you bleed
Taking everything you cared for
And running away.

Without a thought
And without hesitation
Remorseless, cruel,
Indifferent and dead.

It’s time to throw off the covers
And rise out of bed
Even though we weep for the future
And mourn for the dead.

Pull back the curtains
And throw open the sash
Letting the light
Shine through the darkness
So that all doubt is lifted
By the truth outright.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Random Atrocity

Random Atrocity 5/3/2013

My tires
Have all left the pavement
And now I am suspended in air
For a fraction of a second
Hurtling through space.

The motor still strains
And the pistons surge
But my thoughts remain
Frozen in time.

It’s still okay
If you do not understand
And It’s still just as good
If it doesn’t make sense.

Not everything
Needs an explanation
And no one gets it all
On the very first day.

The pieces do not always fit
Each one in perfect place
But God will show us, the beauty
In every nick and crack.

Every day
And every dream
Builds on top of each other
And sometimes
Nothing changes at all.

But the day will come
When you will understand
In a brief shining moment
Everything will fall into place.

The first day I tried
Not much really happened
And the first time I ever believed
I was broken in two.

But every day holds a challenge
And everything adds up in the end
Because I got up and kept trying
Even though
Everything was lost.

What I have found
Is so much better
Than anything I ever had
Bringing me around full circle
To take it all back again.

There is a reason
And there is a pattern
In even the most random
And pointless of thoughts
All governed by information
Transduced by our brains.

There are greater things at play
Than anything we can imagine
And more at stake
Than anything we understand.

This life is irreplaceable
And priceless
But its value can never be understood
In the here and now.

When our eyes are opened
Then we shall know
As the light eternal shines
Through everything we were
And everything we are.

Eternity is not for all
And only the innocent may enter
But if a man can see
And it he learns
Wisdom, shall show the way.

Revealing at last
The reason we are here
And the reason we suffer
As everything falls into place
As it was meant to be.

It is true
That many have lived
And many have died
Sleeping in the dust forever
Even though they dreamed
And even though they tried.

And it is a shame
That many have given up
Curling up in their minds
And afraid of the truth.

And many also, are those
Who have turned inwards
Pulling up the black blanket
And blowing out their brains.

Now is the time
And now is the place
The greatest challenge
And the greatest honor.

But now is not the time
To hope for a rescue
Or worry about whether
Your ego will be stroked.

Now is the time
To weather the storm
As it spends its final fury
On all the good
And all the worthy.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Sacred Souls

Sacred Souls 5/1/2013

We shall return
To where we belong
No matter how long it takes
Or how far the journey.

We live on a straight line
Be we will learn to bend it
And loop it over
To get back
And make it right.

We are not the same
And that is a good thing
Intended to complement one another
And share forever.

The light once turned on
Can never completely die
Even though many would squash it
And go dark forever.

They are the people of the lie
The kind that crush spirits
And seek to control
Setting up who they want
And putting down
Who they choose.

They do everything they can
To convince you
That it’s all over
Because they want you to give up
Roll over and die.

They like to bully
And they like to argue
Hurling derision at anyone who speaks
And lashing out
At all that is beautiful
And lasting.

What have they created?
Except death and disease
And what do they really crave?
Nothing but blood
And death.

The light has gone dormant
But the flame has never died
Building beneath the surface
And ready to burn
Brighter than the sun.

In a thousand small ways
Never give up
And never give in
Resisting every attempt
To crush and control.