Thursday, February 28, 2013


Corkscrewed 2/28/2013

The hangover stays with you
Long after the drunk is gone
Like a heavy wet blanket
Wrapped around your head.

The sunlight hurts
And your mouth is dry
But if you stay drunk
You never feel a thing.

The sting of life hurts
And it can bring you down
Like a diamond bullet
Straight through the heart.

Nothing is ever simple
And nothing is ever clear
But in the end
If you are wise
You have seen it all.

There is nothing unique
About power and control
Except for the artificial elite
Who are not elite at all.

And there is nothing dumber
Than a man who thinks he is smart
Using dumb luck for advantage
To ridicule and mock.

They walk around like peacocks
All flash and no heart
Just a loser in a suit
Petty and small.

They see us as obstacles
And they see us as pawns
To be played against each other
To get what they want.

They cause the problems
And then hide the truth
As we all corkscrew downward
Into hades.

The mobs shall come
But only to punish the good
Too dumb to challenge
All that they are taught.

Drugs and booze will wear off
And leave us with the mess
But no one can change
All that we have lost.

While we laughed
They stole the money
And while we slept
They sold off the goods.

The alcohol oozed out of my pores
And purged away the haze
Long enough to wake up
And see all the horror.

It is never too late
To do what must be done
As long as we are alive
And know
What is right.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Free 2/27/2013

We are not the same
And who would want to be?
Even though we are all mashed together
And stuffed into holes.

Our bodies are but a vehicle
That our souls drive around
As long as we can
And then leaving them to rust
After we are gone.

At night I lay in bed
And let my spirit run
Rising upwards, above my house
And going home.

Alone in the cold blackness
Far above the streets
In absolute silence
Where everything is clear.

The stars shine like diamonds
Strewn across black velvet
And I can see for miles
In every direction.

The world may fall apart
But nothing lasts forever
As we live through one level
And get to taste another.

We are free
To go where we want
Turning and diving
Where we never went before.

The trees are silent
And the houses rot
Water and wood
Brick and stone.

We can go and see
Where the moss grows
And the winds howl
Calling out our names
We wrote in the sky.

If we opened our eyes
Then we could see
Riding on the wings of the Valkyries
On our way to Valhalla.

The world wants us to follow
And the world wants us to conform
Caring more how we look
Than what we think.

But there are bigger things
Than what we are told
And they are bigger dreams
Inside of our souls.

Free to create
And free to express
Whatever vision we can hold
Limitless, beautiful
Explosive and bold.

We were made for each other
Each a part
In the greatest plan
to love and share
Bigger than we are.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Crash Landing

Crash Landing 2/26/2013

If this be the end
Then let it come
And let it bleed
Burning away all that I was
Dumb and wasted.

Shattered into a thousand pieces
And flying in all directions
As I walk away
Laughing and free.

When the worst has happened
Then you know
That there is nothing to fear
Except the numbness.

The colors are still beautiful
And love still blooms
Even if you lose
You get up
And try again.

Ready to stand
At full height
And trade punches
With whatever may come.

The world is falling apart
And cities burn with violence
But I can remain changeless
Undefeated and defiant.

Others can control my income
And they can call me what they want
But they cannot change the truth
About who we are
And where we are going.

Let them go ahead and pretend
And let them analyze and judge
Trapped by their won fear
Limited and dumb.

They can have their endless mediocrity
But I’ll take my chances
To take back what I lost
And make it new again.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Deep Sleep

Deep Sleep 2/25/2013

As an addict searches for relief
In whatever he can find
So we all look for something
That can never be found.

Searching for veins
Where no one can see
Just to get through the moment
And help find some more.

It could be day
Or it could be night
But there is no difference
When you cannot see at all.

Shrinking inside yourself
And unable to think
When you need something else
To help you, sleep at all.

The days blur together
Because all of them are the same
When everything hurts
And it’s never enough.

It’s not that I wanted to die
It’s just that I wanted to sleep
To skip over all the bad
And wake up
In another world.

I no longer cared
If I lived or died
Either one was okay
As long as it didn’t hurt.

Sometimes the dying curl up
Like a baby in the womb
But I stretched out
Naked on the couch
Unable to sleep or rise.

They have no dreams at all
And what they long for is death
A dark and deep sleep
That lasts forever.

But peace does not come
To men who cheat life
But rather an endless haunting
Is all that remains.

Unable to rest
And unable to leave
Opening and closing doors
Always searching for something
Long dead and gone.

Creaking up the stairs
And pacing the attic
Forever looking for the answer
That life never found.

But you must awaken
In order to understand
Just how bad it is
And how far you sunk.

I too have awoken
And it is a different world
One that
I do not know
A giant rotten fruit
Filled with worms.

I was looking for a soul mate
My other lost half
To finish and complete
This half written dream.

But not everyone thinks the same
And some do not want to know
Preferring a smooth surface
Without inconvenience or sacrifice.

They also search for something
But they just grasping at smoke
With their nose to the ground
And stumbling off a cliff.

They scream out
Look at me, look at me
But they have missed the point
Because no one can ever force
What is dead
On the living.

My eyes have opened
And I cannot close them again
Because what good is make believe
When you know from where it comes
And you know, where it goes.

Its not about me
And how I feel in this moment
Will never matter
The greatest gift
That I ever learned.

Its not how I feel
Or what anyone thinks
Its what I make
And where it goes.

Friday, February 22, 2013


Drizzle 2/22/2013

The sadness cannot be ignored
And neither can the day
Rising up unwelcome and dreaded
The sun and all its death.

I look away from the screen
But nothing every changes
The end always comes
Brutal and heavy.

It takes a lot to stand
When everything collapses around you
And everything you believed in
Crumbles under your feet.

What do you say
And how do you say it
To the four walls
Of a silent room
Dumb, dead, and mute
Hard, cold and gray.

This is not what I planned
And this is not what I dreamed
Nothing but a lot of nothing
Stretching out
As far as I can see.

Others have lived
And others have tried
Flinging themselves
Against a rock
Till they died.

I look at them
And I look at me
Wondering what I should do
And when.

We look for pleasure
But it never lasts
Taken away before we even knew
How disappointed we were.

You can say I didn’t know
And that much is true
But what good is knowledge
After everything is lost.

There is no paradise
Not in this dead world
Nothing but worm food
At room temperature.

The ships have all sailed
And we are at the dock
With nothing left to do
But wave and watch them go.

But no ship lasts forever
And the bottom is full of rust
Splitting open in shallow waters
To dump out the rest.

The good and even the bad
Are destined to give in and out
Swallowed up by the earth
To sleep in the dust.

I carry on
And worry about tomorrow
Even though it won’t matter
What I think or feel.

I am a ghost
And I am a mystery
Just another riddle
Inside of a bag of bones.

The unknown awaits
But what is there to fear
Because without promise
Life has no meaning
And without God
No purpose.

I’ll make my bet
And put it all on the line
Better to finish the race standing
Come what may.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Matchstick

The matchstick 2/21/2013

Words come
From the other side
Flowing though space
Invisible and beautiful.

Coming from a consciousness
That I cannot define
Something that cannot be captured
Controlled or designed.

Inspired from within
But gifted from without
A fire once kindled
That can never be put out.

I think through the connections
Hard wired in my brain
Occupied by a soul
As a transducer through time.

The spirit is strong
And it comes like a wave
Obliterating everything in front
And leaving greater wisdom behind.

It never gives up
And it can never die
Coming from a place
No man can see.

We didn't create the gift
But it is something to enjoy
A greater thing
I will never see
And a more powerful force
I'll never find.

I looked and I searched
And I pursued a like minded soul
But God knew what I needed
More than I'll ever know.

An unexpected blessing
Can always make us smile
But nothing is better
Than to lose
And take it all.

I have stretched myself out
And found how big I am
larger than what I was
From the inside out.

The words flow through
And always inspire more
The wisdom from the ages
Just as true as before.

It is not mine
And it is not yours
A gift we cannot own
Or keep in our hearts.

It shall never be defeated
And it shall rise up
And fight
Again and again.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Slingshot 2/20/2013

The skull flag is raised
But no one seems to notice
Dripping with hatred
Right above our heads.

It has happened before
But how many would believe it
Slowly but surely
One inch at a time.

Words are only words
But they always come first
Just to test the waters
And to see
What we will do.

Quickly followed with rules
And regulations
Designed by the venal men
Small minded and dumb.

Then comes the corruption
And low-level violence
But it is all brushed aside
By the compliant
And the ambitious.

The guilty praised
And the innocent ridiculed
Singled out for inspection
At every step of the way.

The odds are stacked
And the rules are rigged
So that some succeed
And others fail.

Harassment becomes persecution
And the truth is suppressed
As the hated become the targets
Of desensitized morality.

Rendered irrelevant by corruption
And engineered into submission
Unable to defend
Their children or their homes.

They become the targets
Of the evil and the corrupt
Out to silence the truth
And manipulate the outcome.

Arrogant and envious
They dream of control
Without any conscience
And without any soul.

Are you the hated?
Or is it someone you love?
Because we are not the first
But we may be the last.

I have seen my sons face
On a target
And I have seen my father’s to
But they never hurt anyone
And neither have you.

The writing is on the wall
But should we be surprised
Because this is what they saw
So very long ago.

We forgot what mattered
And we dared not
Defend the truth
Even when we suffered
And even when we
Were robbed.

When you see the long knife
And the glass on the ground
Then you shall see the future
In a tsunami of death.

Remember the good
And remember the truth
As valuable as it is rare
And more lasting that gold.

This world is corrupted
And rotten to the core
But he who stands the test now
Shall remember forever.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Razor 2/19/2013

A star has fallen
And streaked across the sky
Falling in my soup
Bloody and bitter.

I have not given up
But I have hedged my bets
Withdrawing inside of myself
To save what I have left.

I stuck out my neck
And did what I thought was right
Losing my life
And losing my head.

But I am nothing
But a dirty rag
Thrown away
And rotting in the sun.

What others have built
Is riddled with termites
Eating away, unseen
Both night and day.

And it doesn’t take much
To bring it all down
Crashing all around us
And on top of our heads.

We were not looking
And we never had a plan
Unable and unwilling
To stand or fall.

So now we sit
And lament the tide
Pushing us away
And pulling us under.

No enemy can defeat
The diligent and strong
But who can prepare
For a friend with a knife.

Ingratiating himself
With lies and deceit
Just to place himself
Close enough to kill.

There is no need to transform
What it is that you love
And only a man of hatred
Would sabotage the innocent.

Come what may
The end always comes
No matter how venomous
Even hatred shall die.

It must get worse
Before it gets better
And darkness prevails
Just before dawn.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Fish Eyes

Fish Eyes 2/15/2013

You know something is wrong
And you know something has changed
When blood tastes like gravy
And you hang your head in shame.

When you fall into the great wide open
And don’t care where you land
Because even pain is better than nothing
And there is nothing left to lose.

There is music playing in my head
Sometimes its Mozart
And sometimes it Iggy Pop
But never something that’s popular
Or topping the charts.

There is no point in playing charades
When the sky is falling
And there is no need to say I am sorry
If I didn’t do a thing.

It is okay to be different
And it is okay to be me
And defiant until the end.

Everyone gets old
Unless they die young
But there are things
That are not up to me
Like how where or when
I will get out of here.

If you know, you need help
Then you have made a change
But it’s those who think they are fine
That drive me insane.

I am not the same man
That I used to be
But no one ever grows
Without losing who they were.

My eyes were opened
And now I can’t look away
Never again as oblivious
And never again as blind.

One flame was extinguished
But another has taken its place
And now I burn brighter
Than I ever did before.

You might ask me
What it is that I think
But it took a long time to know
That all I needed was to ask.

Every day we make choices
And every day we learn again
But even doing nothing has consequences
Even if you’re wide awake.

What was meant to kill
Can awaken the blackest heart
And what was meant to break
Can show us
What is dead, and fake.

Thursday, February 14, 2013


Looped 2/14/2013

I should have known
That karma is a circle
Looping backwards
Over our heads
To stab us, in the back.

Nothing can compare
To opening up your eyes
Never missing an opportunity
To learn the truth
And force yourself to change.

Look at the children
And think about their lives
About what they will see
And how they will survive.

I want them to be happy
And enjoy all that there is
But I know where it leads
And it always leads to death.

There is more than one
Way to die
And the flesh is different
Than the spirit.

To die in the body
Is not the end
But to die spiritually
Is forever.

I want them to know
That there is nothing better
Than peaceful contentment
And that there is nothing richer
Than loving what you have.

That one thing leads to another
And when in doubt
To do what is right
Even if it hurts
And even if you lose.

That it is better to be think
Then it is to act
And its better to be careful
Than it is to relax.

To follow your instincts
Even if it disappoints others
And to never let emotions
Rule your life.

My daughter is young
And my son is still a baby
But I hope for them
To live more wisely
Than what I have lived
And what I have done.

All roads lead to somewhere
But not all, lead to God
Smooth, paved and wide
And leading straight into hell.

At first we think its great
As we step out of the light
Venturing past the signs
That warn us of the past.

But with each day
Comes a reasoning
And with each step
Comes a price.

By the time we awaken
We have already gone too far
In a deep dark cave
And running out of air.

Trapped in a prison
Of our own selfish construction
And unable to escape
Without suffering and death.

My life split into two
And one half was murdered
But nothing ever changes
If we never learn.

I cannot speak for others
And they cannot speak for me
But none of it matters
If we forget who we are.

I thought that I was safe
But I never really was
Walking on ice
Slippery and thin.

They say that everything happens
For a reason
And maybe sometimes it’s true
But what good is punishment
If we never understand.

I have come to know
And I have opened up my eyes
To stare dead level across
Into the gaping maw.

Sucking me in
Just like a man on a ledge
Like so many before
And so many since.

There is good
And there is evil
Unchangeable and fixed
And it doesn’t matter what we think
Or what we argue.

In the end
One path leads to contentment
And the other off the ledge
The decision that all must make
Aware or unaware.

Take the first
If not for you
Then for others
Either for yours or for mine
Or those unborn.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Silent Blue

Silent Blue 2/13/2013

There has been more than one
Go down in the drink
Dropped alone in the ocean
To flounder
And sink.

I also know the feeling
And the horror when you know
That no one can hear you
Small and insignificant
In the middle of the blue.

Everybody clings to something
So what is it
That you crave?
Somebody or something
Wasted in a grave.

There is no rest for the foolish
And ignorance is no longer an excuse
Not as long as the truth is burning
In the middle of my dreams.

Every single one of us
Must face death in the eye
Even though we run
And even though we cry.

Cutting us all off
At head level
To separate the body
From the soul.

Others have seen the truth
But that are not here to speak
Taking the truth with them
From this
To the next.

They also had families
And they also had a job
A precious treasure
They did not want to lose.

What would any man do
When he looked at his kids
Knowing that they would suffer
If he ever spoke the truth.

We hold on tightly
To careers and reputation
When none of it matters
And all of it is dead.

Some buy up metals
Like gold and silver
Hedging their bets on disaster
And looking the other way.

Rules are followed by some
But for others they do not apply
So what are we to say?
And what are we to do?

If I rob the good
What have I done?
Except to empower
The selfish, corrupt,
Viscious, and dumb.

Defenseless and forgotten
Unremembered and despised
Blamed for every problem
And mocked every day.

Be not silent
But realize the truth
Hiding your value
And planning for tomorrow.

Opt out
And do not feed the beast
Eating everything it sees
Without conscience or thought.

Crushing the many under its wheels
And sliding on the blood
The merciless beast of many
Crushing individual rebels
Divided and dead.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Cipher 2/12/2013

Some people love to hide
And tuck their head down
To keep out of view
Behind a mothers apron
Or behind a heavy robe.

Our thoughts are not their thoughts
And their plans are not mine
Counting down the days
From the beginning to the end.

Some men look at the stars
To plan a missile launch
Naming them after gods long dead
In the pantheon of Rome.

Dreams are dreams
And stranger things have happened
Deep down beneath our feet
People experiment
And change.

What comes first
The prophecy or the future?
And how do we know the truth?
When everything is a lie.

We are living out a reality
Trapped inside a game
With every action recorded
Inside of our soul.

All the things we work for
Have no meaning at all
Nothing but a great distraction
To keep us dumb
And dull.

If I could go back
How different would I be?
Because now that I know
I have dangerous thoughts
In a dangerous mind.

Because what is safety?
And what is a promise?
After you have lived
And after that, you know.

Nothing but the thinnest of veneers
Separates civilization and barbarism
Closer than we think
And closing in fast.

Rome is sacked
From the inside out
As the hordes run wild
To rape and murder.

In space the lights are blinking
But in my head
My thoughts are connecting
Staggering under the weight
Of the truth and the horror.

One can lead the many
And the many
Care only for themselves
Each one a vacuum
Inside a cipher
Wasted, dumb and dead.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Circle Circle

Circle Circle 2/11/2013

I am torn open
And my guts are hanging out
But you don’t have to read my intestines
To know what is coming.

Today we are strong
And we can do what we want
But time is stronger than us
And waits for no one.

Life runs along a circle
And loops back on itself
Forming a three dimensional ball
Futile and Translucent.

We get what we give
In the long way around
Sucked along by gravity
Up, over, and backwards.

We run as fast as we can
But all we make is a spiral
As we run out of options
And all out of gas.

You can do what you want
And you can ask
For what you will
But in the end
There are no secrets
Or excuses.

There is nothing like the feeling
Of knowing that you tried
Lifting with all your strength
Day after day.

Facing the tests of life
Obstacles and all
Going over, under, and around
Every time you could.

But if you have gained wisdom
Then you should know
When to charge straight through
Living like you mean it
With all of your might.

Some people fail
Because they do not know
Running around in the dark
And blind as a bat.

And some have to suffer
Before they learn a thing
Because there is nothing like the hard way
To tell you,
Who you are.

All men face dishonor
But only the weak
Succumb to murder
And hatred.

They wear a dull mask
Of arrogance and vanity
With dead yellow eyes
Glazed and bloodshot.

But here I am
And here we are
Unafraid to bust on through
And see
How we are made.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Smile for me

Smile for me 2/8/2013

There are things
That come out of nowhere
Unexplainable and horrific
A terrible fury underneath the surface
Unleashed in an instant
In an orgy of violence.

Some of them are mad men
Whose minds are full of demons
Tormented souls driven to mayhem
And murder.

Randomly acting out their fantasies
And cutting down the innocent
Burying the bodies
Underneath the floor.

But others are more subtle
And others are more cunning
Using everything they have
To carefully hunt their prey.

Sizing us up
And drawing us in
Waiting for an opportunity
No matter how long it takes.

Gaining our trust
And exploiting our weaknesses
Positioning themselves
At just the right time.

Shoving the knife in
Deadly and accurate
Cutting through your organs
And severing your arteries.

Their eyes are blank and soulless
An empty vacuum
Unknowable and dead
Sucking you in
And spitting you out.

And all you can do
Is gasp and fade away
Finally knowing
When it’s too late.

It can be quick
Or it can be slow
But no one sees it coming
From underneath
Or from behind.

Calm and gentle
On the outside
But burning with rage on the inside
Just a heartbeat away
From you and me.

Some are on the street
And some are in the bedroom
Some are rich
And some are poor.

Keep your eyes open
And think of the truth
Because our skin crawls for a reason
And it doesn’t matter
What other people think.

Tomorrow is a new day
Another day to learn and grow
Another day to love
And another day to endure.

But not if you die
And not if you are murdered
Cut off in the middle
Without a word or tear.

When we leave
It shall be a good thing
As our spirits travel on
To better places and things.

But not a moment before
Shall we drop our swords
And worship at the feet
Of murderers and men.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Full Immersion

Full Immersion 2/7/2013

Who can say
And who can guess
Why we chose
To live and die.

Offered up
On the altar of man
With our hearts torn out
Young, dumb and naked.

Ill prepared and misled
We skip down the yellow brick road
On our way to a place
That is nothing but a lie.

Some never make it
And some walk until the end
Striving against each other
Just to say that they won.

I was born
In the path of the storm
Violently picked up
And flung far away.

Thrown into the deep end
With ever larger challenges
As I floundered in the water
Up over my head.

We must learn or sink
As spirits attached to a body
Coming from a place
None of us remember.

We can grow
Or we can stay the same
Relying on cunning or guile
To score a point
Or win the game.

But life is not a game
And neither is the end
Falling backwards through space
Back to where
We always belonged.

It is not enough to finish
And there can be no winner
But rather it is the how
And the why.

Who do we go for?
And what is it?
That keeps us going
Even when we hurt
And even when we tire.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Alien Creed

The Alien Creed 2/6/2013

You can take it
Or you can leave it
Embrace it
Or kill it.

But it is
What it is
A dying world
Killing itself.

We don’t belong here
And who would want to?
An empty vacumm
In the middle of space.

Inhabited by animals
That butcher and breed
Worshipping other men
And temporary wealth.

They struggle and clamor
And fling themselves
Against reality
Always enslaved
By their own ignorance.

Repeating the same mistakes
Over and over again
Never learning
Or growing.

Shallow and foolish
More a parasite
Than a man
Building himself up
Just to tear it down again.

But I was born
With a secret longing
A desire to understand
And dissect.

Uncomfortable and lonely
Even in a crowded room
Always searching to find
A heart where I belonged.

But I am not alone
And many have felt the same
The discomfort of dipping
Our toes
In a one dimensional world.

Devoid of spirit
Contrived and fake
Nothing but a maze of passages
With nothing at the end.

But I don’t plan on staying
And just faking another smile
Wasting my life
And wasting my time.

We are here
But this will never be home
Not until we become
What we were made to be.

Fully awake
And fully alive
Free of the heaviness
Of guilt and regret.

In a community of spirits
And like minded souls
With no limits on time
Or distance.

Free to explore
And free to express
Unlimited, unfettered,
Beautiful and pure.

Among the stars
Above and below
Stretching endlessly away
But close enough to touch.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Regulator

The Regulator 2/5/2013

The train wreck has left the station
And the horse is out of the barn
But I don’t know why I am here
And who am I to judge
Why I was born.

Some people live by the book
And follow every rule
Without exception or waiver
Rigid and controlled.

Establishing boundaries
For people they never met
And issuing guidelines
For things they never did.

Others think of themselves
And use anything or anyone
Just to get what they want
And take what they will.

But most of us
Just huddle and hide
Protecting what we have
And pretending it’s okay.

Guaranteed to follow orders
And do what we must
Just to save our pay check
And just save our face.

But only a few ever bother
To look deep into their soul
Plumbing the depths of reason
And strive for the truth.

But not everything that is written
Means that it is good
And neither are the powerful
Immune to corruption.

He who attempts to do what is right
Must face this truth
That he will suffer
And he will pay.

But blessed his he
That uncovers the truth
Exposing it for everyone
And standing by his words.

Deep down
Under the earth
And at the bottom of the sea
Decomposing remains
Of what we used to be.

But even the blackest abyss
Cannot hold truth forever
And the good shall not be silenced
By the crude and the crass.

Open up your eyes
To see what you must
Because the truth is here
And courageous love
Can conquer the world.

Summon up the courage
To tell it like it is
Even if it hurts
And even if you lose.

For the first shall be a criminal
But those that follow
Will be heroes
None greater than the first
Ghost from the dead.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Going Dark

Going Dark 2/4/2013

There is a feeling
That many will come to know
A tightening of the throat
In the middle of the night.

Constricting more and more
Until they think they will die
As their thoughts race
In a spiral of panic.

Screaming out unknown names
And running in their dreams
Never able to escape
The icy hands of guilt.

The terrors have come
And this is only the beginning
As the earth shrugs its shoulders
And turns the other way.

Tossing and turning
Hour after hour
Reliving all the horrors
Over and over.

Even a man without a conscience
Has to close his eyes at night
Never knowing when
His secrets are exposed.

Looking up
At a hollow moon
Full of God knows what
And watching every move.

The night terrors have come
And there shall be no sleep
Because even demons know fear
And they know when to run.

A false flag is planted
And the truth is hard to find
Hidden in the motives
And duplicitous plans.

There is no need to spill your guts
And read the worms for clues
But rather to think
And decide.

But even the victors
Cannot change the times
And time runs like water
Between our fingers.

So go ahead and laugh
And go ahead and steal
Because nothing lasts forever
And neither shall you.

The inevitable future
That so many have enabled
Shall all slip away
No matter the numbers
Dead and burned away.

Tears will not be enough
And tantrums will not change a thing
When triumph comes to loss
And hatred becomes death.

Friday, February 1, 2013

In My Head

In My Head 2/1/2013

There is hell to pay
And a kingdom to await
For us to unravel the secrets
Of man and DNA.

Locked away and forgotten
The truth shall escape
To turn the earth on its ear
And open up our eyes.

The dots are connected
And an answer flickers in our mind
Cutting through the muck and mud
A moment of clarity.

A hand claws its way upward
And bursts through the surface
Covered with dirt
And balling in a fist.

The future and the past
Are all present in this moment
Developing side by side
In all possible worlds.

It’s time to break the silence
And shatter the façade
Busting through the glass
Of blind acquiescence.

Without fear of being cut
And without hesitation or doubt
But committed to the end
No matter what the cost.

To shove your hand through
Even if, they cut it off
Utterly fearless,
And free.

Fortunes can be gained
Or lost
And safety is an allusion
Gone in a flash.

But truth lasts forever
And takes away the burden
Of regret and guilt
Letting our spirit run wild
With abandon.

Nothing compares to eternity
And we have nothing to lose
Because every man must die
And every man must lose.

Whatever is lost
Is lost
But in its place
Is the larger
And the greater.

This isn’t the end
But rather the beginning
A new world
Split from the last.

Purged of impurity
And free of the past
Unshackled from guilt
And flesh.

What we lose
Will be taken back again
A real life to live
Unashamed and free.