Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Wide Awake

Wide Awake 10/10/2012

I have bled enough to know
What it looks like
And I have bled enough to know
What it tastes like.

There is blood in the street
And blood in the water
More than enough to start
A feeding frenzy.

What does it take
For a man to awaken
And open up his eyes
To the truth.

But instead we hide in the boat
And think we are safe
Letting others tread water
And disappear one by one.

There is the war you see
And there is the one you don’t
And the war no one talks about
Is the worst by far.

Either you see
Or you don’t
And either you are awake
Or your eyes are closed.

No one is safe forever
No matter where they go
And where they live
Because all time is borrowed time
And it is passing fast.

No one can lie forever
And the truth shall always come out
No more than ever
For those who search
And those who ask.

I have been in the water
And I have seen the carnage
As the innocent are attacked
And chewed in half.

I have seen the result
And listened to the excuses
As others are blamed
And the predators excused.

Every man has a choice
And every man has a life
But for those who choose murder
Death shall come.

A harvest is coming
And a great feast shall be held
Filling every beast
Of water, air, and field.

But we do not fight alone
And in his name we are sanctified
Watered, fed and pruned
To redeem what was ours.

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