Tuesday, October 30, 2012


A quick thought on 10/30/2012

I will make this quick
Because time is short
And life is dream
As we fool ourselves into thinking
That all of this is real.

You can see it now
Or you can learn it later
As real as it gets
And ringing in your ears.

It shouldn't take a beating
To know that it hurts
And it shouldn't take rejection
To know how to lose.

You can pretend all you want
But you can't change the truth
Staring you in the face
And hitting you on the head.

And there is no need to suffer
In order to appreciate humility
Even though you will
With blood on your face.

If you want to know
Who is right
And who is wrong
Then you had better see the signs
And undeniable.

The truly good
Would never use fear
And never resort to insult
Or childish desperation.

Beacause a man of intellect
Can afford to be humble
And a man of character
Is the best of all.

Slow to anger
And reluctant to blame
Taking on hardship
Without resentment
Or disdain.

Never taking credit
For what he hasn’t done
And never praising himself
Above others.

To be truly great
Is to give of yourself
Loving others
Without restriction
Or petty hatred.

To honor God
Above all
Without excuse
Or shame.

The greatest thing
That I've ever done
Was when I learned
How to endure
Even in pain
And even in loss.

Growing larger
In my humility
And becoming stronger
In rejection.

Life is not about me
And it was never was at all
Nothing but a puff of smoke
Dissolving in the air.

No one may remember my name
And that is fine by me
Because all glory is fleeting
But love is forever.

These words are better than me
And they shall stand
Long after I am gone
A gift of the spirit
Free for you
And free for me.

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