Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Alien Breed

A new breed 10/3/2012

Stuck through the middle
And pinned to a board
Paralyzed but living
And dead to the world.

Suspended in fluid
For everyone to see
An alien in a strange land
Alone and far from home.

Sectioned for analysis
And dissected for study
Nothing but a biohazard
With my lungs pulled out.

This is the feeling
Of a man in the world
As we travel through time
On a one dimensional sheet.

Never able to escape
Except in death
Praying for eternity
And diving in blind.

So much for this place
Carreening from one disaster
To another
And slowly spiraling downwards
With our wings on fire.

If you fit in
Then you are the problem
And if you believe the lies
Then you are lost.

The status quo
Has made us aliens
And surrounded.

Strangers in our own land
And visitors in another culture
Mere spectators to a civilization
Wasted and rotten.

As for me
I no longer wonder
Because now that I know
Letting go is easy
And the end
Is welcome.

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