Friday, October 12, 2012

The Howling

The Howling 10/12/2012

There are days
That make you want to scream
Just to break the silence
And prove you are alive.

The incredible silence of being
Alone inside your head
In a world full of doubt
And endless gray drizzle.

We live like dead fish
Silently floating
And washing up on the shore
With sightless eyes
Sinking in our skull.

We have received the greatest gift
Yet all we want is more
Crushing the spirits of others
With cynicism and derision.

We think we are an accident
But we imagine the divine
But what worth can anything have
Without eternity or redemption.

No matter how certain we are
And no matter what we say
The truth stands larger
And grinning in the dark.

Patiently waiting
For us to notice
Before he grips our throat
And squeezes our life.

Rude and petty
We have lived
And soon the hammer
Will come down
Unexpectly sudden
And perfect.

Outside there is a world
That doesn't care what we think
It lives and it kills
Without remorse
Or justification.

It has slept with the devil
And brought forth a crawling beast
Slithering up behind us
From the inside out.

But we who see the truth
Also have the promise
That evil although brutal
Is running out of options
And running out of time.

Spending its final days
In a furious anger
Lashing out at the innocent
In a bloody orgy of death.

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