Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Deadfield 10/17/2012

Deadmalls and forgotten places
Can be found anywhere you go
And that is where
You will see the truth
Boarded up, abandoned
And slowly eaten by time.

Rusting factories sit idle
And all the workers stay at home
Living off of handouts
And any which way they can.

Over fed and over dependent
There is always someone else to blame
As they circle the streets
And set it all off
In a column of smoke and flames.

Who has wrought this blight?
And who has let it happen?
Standing by with their hands in their pockets
And letting everything go to hell.

The guilty and the innocent
Share a different kind of shame
One of hatred
And the other of fear.

But it’s not enough to be innocent
And it’s not enough to be silent
As everything crumbles
And weathers away.

Nothing lasts forever
And neither will we
So it’s as good a time as any
To think about the end.

Where should we start?
And what should we do?
With these heaping piles of rubble
And mad dogs in the street.

Many shrug their shoulders
And many curse the day
But what good is that
When time is running out
And there is no where to run.

Others got theirs
But now there is nothing left
As the animals snap and snarl
Over the scraps on the floor.

They can’t remember
What they never knew
And they cannot appreciate
The opportunities they have.

More accustomed to demands
And un contested rewards
We salivate on cue
Just like it is planned.

God help the good
Outnumbered and lost
Suddenly surrounded
Without anywhere to go.

But it will not be a miracle
When the good rout the fools
Because life will always end
Just like it always has.

There are things
That no one can measure
And there are truths
That no one can prove.

Bigger than death
And Larger than a lie
Growing in the background
So everyone can see.

But if they have not awakened soon
Then they shall reap the harvest
Swept away in an hour
And lost forever.

Dead Lovers 10/17/2012

In the end
We will be together
Like two luminous balls of light
Chasing each other across the sky
And shooting flames in the night.

Once we had it all
And now it is gone
Lost to time and error
And forgotten on the ground.

I was still a child in a man’s body
And I had a lot to learn
Not ready for the glory
That was all mine to lose.

I didn’t see the warnings
That I would lose her in the end
Just sleep walking through life
Unaware, deaf, and dumb.

I made her a hostage
To my own emotions
Tossing her all about
With whims and delusions.

I did not know
What I know now
That no man can ever forget
The gift and the price.

I never stopped loving her
And I guess I never will
Star crossed by circumstance
And the cruelty of impatience.

I will never be the same
And I will never be as safe
Feeling my way around
And struggling to love
All over again.

Time passes by
And with time
We learn our mistakes
Even if we can’t make it right
And don’t understand.

But this is a world
Both ruined and lost
Not conducive to love
Or humilty.

But in heaven
A higher love
Endures forever
And never fades or cracks.

For now, we can love
Wherever we are
Still growing and learning
Everything that lasts.

I shall hold her again
In a new and different way
With more love than I thought possible
Streaking across the heavens.

All this shall be ours
More than we ever lost
A higher love
Full, deep, and forever.

I can already feel it
and I am with her now
Because the spirit is strong
And God is great.

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