Tuesday, October 2, 2012


American Confetti 10/2/2012

This is the zero point
And this is zero hour
As we take up our hands
And let go of the burdens.

For we have been burdened
And weighted down
With heavy loads of guilt
And hypocrisy.

Straining against the grain
And slowly trudging uphill
Against every kind of lie
And every kind of hate.

Once again
The news is the same
Worthless, changeless
Dead and done.

Nothing but worthless propaganda
Dropped from a plane
A false reality
Created in bubble
Where wrong is right
And right is wrong.

Protected and immune
They live off the fruit
Doing nothing
And producing nothing.

Famous for being famous
And less useful than a shovel
Always wading in shallow waters
With their heads in the mud.

Always searching for an angle
No matter how ridiculous it seems
To skew reality
Any which way they will.

Evil men laugh
At the foolishness of many
Gladly giving away
Their best defense
And their last dollar.

Obligated to a future
That will never come
Not for the innocent
And not for the good.

At zero point
All the past is blown away
Stripping away the waste
Until nothing remains.

But even in the end
There is always a beginning
Another chance to learn
And another chance to rise.

To birth an idea
Once again
True to our best instincts
And wiser for the loss.

Another chance is coming
When we can take destiny
In our hands
But not without risk
And not without a fight.

But far better it is
No matter what shall happen
When you stand for what is right
Even if it hurts
And even if you fail.

Outlier 10/2/2012

You have heard this before
And you will hear it again
The same words in a different order
From different people
All meaning
The same exact thing.

The more things change
The more they stay the same
As predictable as the sun,
The drizzle and the rain.

It’s as if I could have dreamed the day
Without having lived it
The same thing over and over
And over again.

That the humble are forgotten
And the honest rejected
Perhaps for different reasons
But always the same.

The powers that be
Shall always shall find a reason
To brush the truth under a rug
Preferring the path of least resistance
Just to get what they want.

We know by now
Not to take it to heart
Valuing our soul more
Than what man can give.

But still it hurts
And still it stings
The cruelty of man
Beyond our understanding.

I stand and I walk
And there is no need for more
No need for validation
Or false recognition.

I am as good as I ever was
Even when I hurt
And even when I lose
Never more noble
Than when I am forgotten
And unrecognized.

I still don’t know why
And I guess I never will
About what is wrong
And what is the cause.

What is it about me
That makes me different
A stranger in a strange land
And an alien in bowl.

I sit here and type the words
And even though I know better
It still hurts
And I guess it always will.

But I can either slink away and hide
Or I can remain in place
Being my best self
In spite of the wounds.

I can remain defiantly me
Painting with bold colors
Telling the truth
And loving with all my might.

I am my own man
And I belong to something higher
With nothing left to win
And nothing left to prove.

Passing through the world
And spreading far this spark
To be thy own self
One of a kind
And forever.

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