Thursday, October 11, 2012

Surface Tension

Surface Tension 10/11/2012

The tip of the iceberg
Sticks out of the water
But what lies beneath
Is huge jagged and deadly.

We know enough to imagine
But we understand only a little
Just enough to be dangerous
And demonic.

We hold ourselves up
As Gods but remain
As small as a grain of sand
Mindlessly tossed about
By the tide.

Just barely aware of eternity
We have awakened as if from sleep
Unable to focus
And comprehend.

A deep current connects us
And a red thread runs though our veins
Connecting us all together
Ancient and miraculous.

Not everyone shall know
And not everyone shall understand
The questions that remain unanswered
That we already know.

Somewhere deep inside
There rests what cannot be measured
And cannot be tested
A thin wisp of invisible matter
Larger than anything we see.

We see the horror
And we feel the pain
But good still survives
Under the surface
And beneath the waves.

But it shall not remain
Submerged forever
Nor shall our spirits remain
Imprisoned or constrained.

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