Friday, October 19, 2012

All night long

All Night Long 10/19/2012

My heart is a frozen wasteland
Buried under miles of ice
Impenetrable and dark
Desolate and dead.

The ice age came suddenly
But it still took
A long time to die
Slowly killing cell after cell
As I slowly froze to death.

My blood is gone
Because I have poured it out
Letting it flow
All over the page.

I am a ghost
Who cares not for sentiment
Flying alone
High above the streets.

Climbing up into space
Where it is cold and dark
Millions of miles away
Between distant points of light.

Here you can see forever
And here you can understand the truth
Discerning secrets from lies
And greed from love.

I do not long for this world
For it is dead and dying
Rotten to the core
And oozing deceit.

The dead know the truth
About who, what, where, and when
But they remain silent
At least for now.

If they saw me now
They would turn and run
Because to see is to believe
And to face your sins
A horror.

Busting through the surface
The proof and the promise
A jagged white rock
Uncut by human hands.

Those who hated
And those who murder
Are dead in their tracks
But those who love
Shall feel my embrace
In every gust of wind.

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