Monday, October 22, 2012

Fifty Decades

Fifty Decades 10/22/2012

He hatched his plan, In the night
Because he coveted the life of others
Plotting theft and plotting murder
Just to steal
What was never his.

Plunging a knife
Deep into my back
And tearing apart
My organs and flesh.

Stabbing again and again
As I look backwards
Mouth open in horror
And dying.

My blood has run out
And I have dropped away
Colder and grayer
Dead and forgotten.

They have mocked my memory
And they have stolen my treasure
Boasting of their conquest
From below and behind.

Taunting the dead
They have hid behind the living
Wagering against God
As they laugh and sing.

Erasing my love
And replacing my name
Manipulating every detail
To get what they want.

The days have passed
And I have waited in the ground
Buried under the ruins
Of all that I was.

The seasons change
And the wind blows
For what it seems like forever
Waiting for the change.

But now I can feel it
As the day draws near
That the day is coming
When the earth shall turn.

Here I am
And I am not afraid
Indomitable, defiant
Deliberate and determined.

Soon they will know the horror
The kind that does not end
Flesh from flesh
And Limb from limb.

When they see
They shall be struck with terror
Eyes bulging
And veins popping.

Gnashing their teeth together
They shall beg and plead
But it will be too late for words
And too late for sorry.

The reaping shall come
From all that we have lived
All that we are
And all that we have done.

And I shall fly free
Grazing the tops of trees
And rushing with the wind
More alive than ever
And a thousand times more.

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