Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Big Bear

Big Bear 10/16/2012

If all the clocks stopped
What would we do?
The same as we always did
And rise with the sun.

And if all our engines stopped
How could we survive?
Without but banding together
Instead of apart.

I was born at the beginning
Of an inevitable end
In a generation of zeros
At the end of the line.

Flickering on and off
And waiting at the exits
Too late to enjoy the fruits
Or exploit the wealth.

The funds have run out
And all our tanks are dry
All of it used up
By the front of the line.

We sit and we sink
And no one will admit why
Dragged down by the weight
Of parasites on our back.

This is not a time for sentimentality
Or for emotional reactions
But rather a time to think
And prepare.

To be what we were meant to be
And to do what is right
No matter what happens
Or how it looks.

I hear the threats
And the I see the looks
Brewing in the streets
And burning in the brains.

They say a wise man
Is slow to anger
And regards others before himself
But if there is a time for everything
Now is a time for thought.

Watch where you go
And watch what you do
Heeding the eye
In the back of your head
And the hair
On the back of your neck.

Others may hate
And others may attack
But the defenders will win
If they carefully plan.

For we shall make our voices heard
And make the alarm bells sound
By staring down the threats
Determined, ready and willing.

I hold my hand
Steady on the wheel
Turning not
Because of how it looks
Or what I feel.

Moving straight ahead
Without doubt or hesitation
Finding true north
With all of my might.

We are alive for a reason
And we hold more than the future
In our hands
Because eternity
Is not cheap
And neither is truth.

I am the big bear
And they have seen me coming
Splitting in two along the street
As I pass through.

They don’t have a clue
And they don’t stand a chance
Outgunned, outsmarted
And on the run.

I am not holding back
And I am not pulling punches
But I stare dead ahead
And burn them straight through.

The clock has run down
And it is full of zeros
You can feel it
And you can sense it.

They can come at me
Or they can run away
But Lord will find them
When all of this is through.

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