Friday, October 26, 2012

Eleven Eleven

Eleven Eleven 10/26/2012

No two people are alike
And I am more different
Than anything they understand
And my thoughts are a mystery
Bound to the same physics
But dedicated to destroy.

And it is no accident
That I feel this way
An aberrant personality
On a collision course with time.

I am a child of the nuclear age
And a son of a deep black collider
Unexpected and unknown
As white as a ghost
And as deadly as poison.

I have not come to talk
And I have not written
Just to incite
But rather I am the fuse
To set it all off.

The world sucks out our blood
And gorges itself on death
Killing many
For sport and fun.

Men are pawns
To be manipulated
And sacrificed
Used when necessary
And then discarded.

And your character will not mean
A fucking thing
And neither does your heart
Especially if you are the hated
All alone and dead.

They can watch you struggle
And they can watch you die
Nothing but an inconvenience
Heroic and dead.

Intentionally forgetting your name
And covering up the truth
Anything to get their way
And rotting like a fish
From the head to the tail.

The world has turned over
Many times before
But not because of strength
But rather by surrender.

The good were never defeated
Not even once
But they surrendered out of pity
Kindness and exhaustion.

Weak people with weaker minds
Have stolen the truth
Drunk with unearned power
And rotten with pride.

But their time is short
Shorter than they think
And shorter than they know
As they rejoice over the good
Lying in the snow.

Their pride shall fall
And so shall their world
Burned away in an instant
And never to return.

Their hatred shall eat them up
And their lies shall condemn them
Caught in their own trap
And withering on the vine.

They laugh at the good
And they dance around in celebration
Dragging the good through the streets
Naked and defiled.

But they shall perish
Without a thought
And without a body
Burned to ashes
And blown all away.

I see them cavort
And I see them guffaw
But I know the truth
And I know why.

They have disdain
But no value
And they have pride
But no honor.

Let them mock
And let them smile
Because this world shall disappear
And all of them with it.

But no man that fights
Will ever die in vain
And even the defiled corpse
Shall rise to see the end.

Opening up their mouths
To speak out the truth
Condeming the guilty
And exonerating the good.

Lifting up their bloody arms
To point out the guilty
Staring down their murderers
With fire in their eyes.

I shall shout out the truth
And I shall be where I am needed
With nothing left to lose
And everything to gain.

Taking back what was lost
And reaping all of the treasure
More than enough
And overflowing.

The clock ticks away
And we mark off the calendar
Counting down to oblivion
Hour by hour.

Biting the bullet
And dodgeing the motars
Looking upwards through the smoke
To see the hand of God.

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