Thursday, October 25, 2012

Iron Castle

Iron Castle 10/25/2012

Every day and every hour
We decide what to do
And we can either do the same
Or turn the other way.

We can do what we always did
And swallow the blue pill
Or we can wake up
And take it all back.

We can talk about the weather
Or we can talk about sports
Something useless and shallow
Just to pass the time.

Ignoring the smoke
And ignoring the flames
Always burning somewhere else
But always closer
Than before.

They have come for others
But we have looked the other way
As the herd gets thinner
And the stragglers get killed.

How many times
Must anyone wonder
When the truth is ever present
A few keystrokes away.

No longer can we say
That the truth is buried
And no longer can we rely
On the evening news.

They play their violins
As the world falls apart
Giving up and giving in
To the same old lies.

The decades have passed
But still we live in fear
Failing to act
And failing to speak.

But what will we say
And what will we do
When the numbers tilt the wheel
And they come for me and you.

If every man is different
Then let him protect his life
Carving out a future
For those he leaves behind.

But if he finds
That they will be the hated
Then he must rise up
And do what he can.

Putting out the fire
And taking out the trash
Holding down the castle
And resisting all barbarians.

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