Thursday, October 4, 2012

Watching the clock



Some days just drag on forever
And we are grateful when they end
Wasting hour upon hour
Pursuing the most meaningless of tasks.

And you have to wonder
Why it even matters
When most of it is pointless
And all done for show.

I an effort to produce
We think ourselves in circles
Spinning our wheels
To stand out amongst the others.

Churning out ideas
That have all been used before
And making up examples
Slightly different than the last.

I kept odd bits of nostalgia
And business cards in my desk
Accumulating over time
Until they become too painful
And I had to throw them away.

We embellish our lives
And ignore our mistakes
Thinking we are in a movie
Where everything is cool
And means something to everyone else.

But reality is hard
And it grinds us to dust
Mangling our bodies
And crushing our spirits.

We can wear ourselves out
And never scratch the surface
Growing old in the process
Of becoming someone else.

As many have before
Many shall sleep in the dust
Without ever understanding
The deeper meanings.

Forever striving to be understood
But never understanding
Wasting away
Unknown and unexpressed.

Only God can know
The hidden heartbreak
And the greatest losses
Of gifts and treasure
Unused and unexplored.

But even the smallest of openings
Can lead to great opportunities
If only we could see
And grasp.

We are here
And now is as good a day as any
To share our gifts
And take a risk.

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