Friday, October 5, 2012


Ten minutes and fifty three seconds 10/5/2012

Ten minutes and fifty three seconds
The conversation
We ever had
On a Monday night in a hotel room
So long ago.

Life is long
But death lasts longer
And we are but a pin point on a line
That stretches on forever.

No matter how much will we have
We cannot make it bigger
And no matter how much we lie
Entropy always wins.

Everything dissolves
And everything decays
Breaking down
And falling apart.

Engines stop running
And the gears freeze in place
Drilled out and thrown away
Without words or tears.

I have done many things
But none will last longer than me
And I have tried with all my heart
But I have not moved an inch.

My love has gone wasted
Passing over almost unnoticed
Hidden inside of my heart
And running circles
In my brain.

My words have not been enough
And neither have been my actions
As I am nothing but an option
Interchangeable and disposable.

So what are we to think
And what are we to do
When everything we counted on
Is stolen and taken away.

Set adrift without supplies
And left to the doldrums
Without any hope
And humiliated every day.

That is the question
That I have contemplated
As I twisted in the wind
More dead than alive.

It took a long time
And I know it will never be easy
But love can never be
Something you have
But only something you give.

It may disappear
And never come back
Or it may remain dormant
For days, months or years.

But love is not something
That we give just to receive
And it cannot be something
We use to fill our soul.

Because nothing of this world lasts
Neither the good nor the bad
And there is no need for a thankyou
If we ever loved at all.

It isn’t about me
And it’s not about the words
But rather it is the wisdom of knowing
Even after it is too late.

To love anyway
And give freely
Without a promise
Or a plan.

Without reservation
Or pride
But in letting go
With all your might.

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