Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Black Sum

The Black Sun

A black sun

Burns with implosion

Circling inwards

Invisible and deadly.

A power we do not know

A cold reaction

Collapsing through a hole

Exploding outwards

Into another place.

We live in four dimensions

But can control only three

Time and everything after

On the other side of dreams.

There are things we have done

And things we have dreamed

But there are is more than what we see

And much more than what we believe.

There is a doorway

Inside our minds

But only for those who know

And truly believe

Will ever enter and know.

If we could live life over

In a perfect world

How different would it be

Maybe a little less painful

And a lot less selfish.

How many have lived?

And never known themselves

Shaping their lives to fit

And disappearing into another.

Parrotting what others prefer

And learning all their games

Never knowing or questioning

Or searching for the truth.

Giving up and giving in

Just to have a wasted peace

Saving others from themselves

And surrendering their souls.

Inch by inch

We have become someone else

Until we become like a frog in hot water

Cooked, dumb and dead.

A strange and sad example

For the Petri dish of tomorrow

Examined, tested and labeled

Obsolete and forgotten.

A circumstance of personality

Is what follows us around
And never for a moment are we free

Chasing after someone else’s dreams

Like a rat in a maze.

My dreams are imperfect

And my mind has seen too much

But I did not learn it all through thinking

But through the test

Like acid in my eye.

Pain and pleasure have guided my movements

But I do not live by food alone

Straightening myself to find the truth

No matter how many leads run dry.

They can have my blood

And they can test my senses

But I have a life

That they don’t know.

A soul lives both inside and out

And the spirit flies independent

Falling like fire from heaven

And surging through my veins.

In a different time and place

I will be both real and genuine

The first and most authentic

The man I was meant to be.

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