Friday, August 26, 2011

American Punk 11/16/2009

A place far away from here

So far away

That It’s something you write down

Before it slips away

Like so many days before.

You wouldn’t think of it now

That I had green hair and torn up jeans

And that nothing ever hurt

If you stayed wasted all the time.

It was before I built the walls

And it was before they all fell down

Back when I could be cool and perfect

Double fisted drinks

And a cigarette on my lips.

A sneer on my face

That was how you should look

Destroying everything

Myself, property, and others.

A danger to the world

And a danger to myself

Such was the weeks and months

Of several missing years.

I didn’t go to class

Because I didn’t see the point

And I didn’t scare

Because I never cared.

It was then that it started

And I never stopped to wonder

Moving forward fast as I could

Without ever bothering to steer.

If I could take out a memory

And hold it in my hand

Would it be from then

Before everything fell apart

And washed all the blood away.

It did hurt

But that was how I liked it

Betting all my tomorrows

For a drink and a ride.

One dropped here and another there

Lives cut short still green and fresh

While others lived on lucky

Or was it the dead that were lucky.

Only one minute to late or one minute too early

Their lives seem frozen in time

Missing the changes, dates, times, and people

For some kind of reason I live while they are dead

By chance or a drug

The hungry demons are fed.

We smashed the bottles

And all the rooms were trashed

Tearing through life looking for something

The something that we already had.

I look back in some kind of wonder

And I remember through a thick gray fog

That I could ever be so young

And stupid while living.

For me life kept going

But the names and faces changed

Changing to many times

As I try and remember

Each and everyone.

How many are alive

And how many are dead

Running backwards in my mind

The colors seem muted

And the voices seem far away.

So much has passed

But do they dead even miss it

Do they laugh at the waste

Or is it eternal regret.

Time goes on

Yes for you and for me

Tumbling forward like it or not

To uncertain ends

I used to think I had forever

And I used to have an answer

To every kind of question

But now I just ask them

And learn how to listen.

The world is full

Of very clever people

Clamoring for this and climbing for that

Now I just look at them

And remember how to sneer.

Dead to rights 8/26/2011

You can make money

And you can spend it away

And you can get up early

Just to take what you want.

You can lie

And you can steal

Drawing out the blood of others

Just for amusement

Or just for gain.

Swindle your way in

And swindle your way out

Gain their confidence

Anyway you can

Just to learn

And just to steal.

But there are some things

That no man should do

But it’s not that you can’t

It’s just that if you do

Something awful will happen

And you will surely die.

For what is treasure

Without honor

And what is love

Without truth.

There are other ways to live

And I have made my choice

To remain standing

No matter what

And no matter where.

If you open the door

Someone may come through

And if you get it right

The whole world will know.

There are secrets

Hidden in plain sight

Bigger than anything we can guess

And darker than we can imagine.

There are places

That we cannot go

And there are rules

No one can break.

Some men have dreams

And some men see tomorrow

But I live through them all

In a deep black collider.

Deep under our feet

There are fires burning

And no one can put them out

Forever smoldering

And burning black dust.

There is fear in the earth

And there is death under the rocks

A sure and sudden terror

Meeting us half way home.

But there is nothing to fear

Even if we die

Because for those who know the truth

The end is just the beginning

The way it should have been.

I have read the words

And I have seen the messages

But I held back my hands

Because I was waiting.

But something has changed

And nothing can change it around

Flesh has become iron

And my heart filled with light.

I am here

But I do not come

In my own name

But in the name of the one

That you have mocked.

I asked him to come

And dwell in my heart

To give me life

And give me hope.

But you have come

In your own pride

And in your own name

A shallow

And self confident fool.

You have accused me

And you have lied

Mocking my faith

With the number of hell.

But you have done more

Than wound a man

And steal his life

For you have provoked

The spirit in my heart.

I face you now

In the name of the Lord

And I will not be turned

And I will not be defeated.

You can’t kill a ghost

And you can’t stop a spirit

Because they are not of your world

Ten times better

And ten times stronger.

I laugh at the liar

Because he doesn’t have a chance

A small ugly man

So full of himself

And without a conscience.

I have faced bigger giants

And killed them where they stood

And I am not afraid of lies

Because your murder cannot hurt me

And your hatred cannot kill.

I have seen greater horrors

And I have faced heavy loss

Crushed down into the ground

And yet I am still standing.

You can run

Because that is what you do

But it won’t matter how fast

And it won’t matter where.

I am closer than I was

And it won’t be long now

Because I can taste the blood

And I can hear your steps.

I am coming for you

And let there be no doubt

That I know where to go

And I know how it ends.

God did not leave any doubt

And he knows what you have done

As I rise there will be justice

The kind that no man has seen.

In a single fluid movement

I rise with the dead

And we ride on the wind

Beating our wings

And digging deep.

The heat of the midnight sun

I can feel on my neck

And I can feel the rush of air

Against my face.

I am iron

But I fly fast and hard

Climbing higher and higher

Just to crash through the house.

I shall rip, tear, smash and crush

Everything that is you

But leaving the rest untouched

Just to let them know

Who and why.

There is no escape from the hurt

And there is no mercy for the damned

Nothing but eternal terror

Day after day

And night after night.

He who is in me

Is stronger than the world

And he can never die

Because he is life

And he is just.

He will crush the mighty

And he will destroy the liars

Washing them away forever

Until there is nothing left

Nameless and forgotten.

Good friends will be together

And they will smile in the glory

Reunited at last

And happy.

But you will be gone

And no memory shall remain

Just the same as I said

And just the same as I knew.

Your day is coming

And nothing shall save you

Not a shameless lie

Or any excuse.

I rise as I write

And I have seen the enemies fear

Because he knows the time is coming

And his end is near.

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