Friday, August 19, 2011

Generation Zero

Generation Zero 8/19/2011

We are the ones
Who suffer
And we are the ones who know
Cut off and cut out
Without any way home.

The beginning takes forever
But the end is like a brick wall
Stopping us suddenly
Half way home
Crushing our plans
And cracking our skulls.

I was always angry about something
And I thought I had to fix it
As if it made any difference
And as if I had a choice.

I ruined a lot of small moments
And now they are a mountain of lead
Weighing me down with regret
And filling my days with dread.

I walked down the street
And I felt like I was nothing
And I wondered
Just like I always have
And it hurt.

It hurt to breathe
And it hurt to exist
Destroying every bit of my life
And every dream I never lived.

No one truly knows
What it is that others feel
And no one can ever understand
Just how cruel
Man can be.

Let me ask you a question
And really think it through
Because there is more at stake
Than anything we can guess.

That what are the chances
That I could ever write these words
And that two souls could ever connect
And be more than one.

Imagine larger things
And more important dreams
Than our selfish desires
Something bigger
And something lasting.

I had to lose everything
Before I knew the truth
But it shouldn’t have to happen
To everyone
If you think and believe.

We can imagine things
That we have never lived
And we can see
What our eyes never knew.

We don’t need to suffer
Anymore than we will
Because pain is inevitable
No matter what we do.

I have known many people
Some are dead and some are alive
Some are lost
And some I see

They are with me
And I belong to their past
Another ghost unreconciled
And another memory
Full of dust.

I tried but it wasn’t enough
Because it’s hard to stop the bleeding
Of a deep
And deadly wound.

The kind you don’t see coming
The kind that comes from behind
From the last place suspected
Just as shocking
As it is horrific.

If everything has a reason
Then this must be told
But for who
Or what reason
I may never know.

There are words and thoughts
That are just for me
But there are also other things
For those I’ll never see.

My words stand
As I remain
Nameless and remote
Like a voice in the wilderness
Echoing through time.

I pray you will listen
And I pray you will remember
That life is for living
And love is a choice.

Love every single moment
And take nothing for granted
Deliberately charting a life
Instead of being tossed
By emotions.

Let not a chance escape
To be truly alive
Holding onto to each other
And giving without restraint.

There is nothing in this world
That will ever last
Except for our thoughts, dreams and actions
That make up our soul.

Our smallest actions
Can make a world of difference
As they ripple across people
And spread out in all directions.

Our good or evil
Amplified by time
Steadily growing
Into eternity.

As for me
There is much left to do
And as for you dear reader
Only you can know.

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