Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Killed Instantly

Night Vision 8/2/2011

What were the chances
That you would be there
Driving along so close to home
Alone in the dark
And far away from me.

You were so full of life
And everyone loved you
But in an instant you are gone
And there is nothing I can do.

He crossed the center line
And you were crushed
Another bright light
Snuffed out and gone.

And now we stand open mouthed
Staring backwards in horror
And Crying.

That something so insignificant
As a fraction of a second
Could take away
A lifetime of love
And promise.

You almost made it home
And now you are gone
And I struggle to remember
Every word
And every thought.

I loved you
And I know that you knew
But I was always pretending
And hedging my bets.

We all loved you
Who couldn’t love
Such a bright light
So warm and friendly
And so full of spirit.

Do you see me now?
Oh how I wish you knew me
Not as I was
But as I am.

I am still learning
But now you are trapped in amber
A pure and perfect memory
That only gets better with time.

You were like a comet
That streaks through the sky
Brilliant but brief
And inspiring.

But for the odds of eternity
I would have never known you
But I did
And now I weep.

For a reason I cannot know
I witnessed your beauty,
Penetrating intelligence,
And incredible grace.

You had that rare gift
Of an imaginative
And soulful spirit
Something that can’t be learned
Or duplicated.

There can be no replacement
So I will not even try
My heart heavy with regret
And empty.

I shall gaze at the heavens
And hope upon hope
For just a streak of your fire
And a glimpse of your face.

I will say a prayer
And make a wish
That the next time we meet
I’ll be worthy
Of your love
And your light.

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