Monday, August 1, 2011

The Roadside

The Roadside 8/1/2011

Indifference is worse than anger
It is the pacifier
That kills the soul
A dangerous self absorption
And a recipe for disaster.

The enemy lies in wait
While we walk in ambivalence
Carefully setting up for ambush
To suddenly murder, mutilate and steal.

It is no secret
What the hidden hand brings
Always the same
And always death.

The foolish walk into a trap
And the trusting are slaughtered
Because evil doesn’t care how or when
As long as the good die
And they reap the rewards.

It doesn’t matter
If it’s by bomb or gun
And it doesn’t matter
If its quick or slow
As long as we die
Is all that they care.

Their hatred is complete
And no words will suffice
I have seen it
And I have felt it

They like to game the system
And change the days for their advantage
Our decency twisted
And used against us
Time and time again.

The air is heavy with anticipation
That something is about to happen
Something to break this awful silence
And end this downward decline.

The good are transfixed by theatrics
And carefully crafted speeches
Performed rather than felt
More style than substance.
And imbedded with hate.

The vulchers circle
Because we have grown weak
Already dead but for fear
And false guilt.

They use children for murder
And they ransom their souls for money
Making sure the victims notice
And making sure that it hurts.

Ambushed, robbed and wounded
Psychically killed
And reminded every day
In order to destroy
In every possible way.

Left to rot
By the roadside
So I could see what I missed
Coming and going
Horrific and cruel.

They have forgotten the words
And think they are safe
While time goes on
Just as it always has.

But I have found shelter
In the shadow of his wings
And by his right hand
Has he lifted me from death.

And I am also patient
And will not be turned
My eyes like burning stones
Unafraid and unforgiving.

The clock ticks down to nothing
And the chime is about to sound
And I shall also rise
A full blooded ghost
Crying out for vengeance.

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