Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Prarie Fire

Prairie Fire 8/3/2011

I come from a desolate place
Where the roads are chocked with dust
Where iron men wore iron badges
And knew what justice meant.

Now they ride on skeleton horses
And stand on the edge of town
Overlooking what is left
And crying out.

The wind carries their howls
Along with the tumbleweeds
Blowing across the streets
Where we lived
And they died.

I am a prairie son
And I belong to their dreams
Something that is missing
And never quite complete.

A ghost town
Full of ghosts
Lost but to memory
And dead men’s bones.

A new history has come
Because people love to lie
Destroying the past
Just to suit themselves.

I sold the old house
The one with lathe and plaster
But I took a piece of it with me
And I’ll never lose it again.

When I close my eyes
I see blood and roses
A future full of horror
But also great courage.

Because you can’t kill a ghost
And strong spirits
Cannot be resisted
Though they swing at the air
And scream out their names.

But they will just keep coming
Night after night
And day after day
Flying at the edge of the storm
And howling.

Nothing is as certain
As the end I have seen
No longer a question of if
But only a matter of time.

Don’t look over your shoulder
Because you are not alone
Invisible and unknowable
But still just as sure
And deadly.

If you are unfinished
Then it’s time to make a change
Time to stand apart
Without regret.

Because many are those
Who have suffered
By staying too long
In sinking ships
With evil men.

No matter what we say
And no matter what we do
No matter how much time passes
It will never be right.

The terrors will never end
And the sickness will spread
More and more violent
And more and more real.

The end
Has never been more certain
And the spirits will not be turned
Without hesitation or remorse
Coming home to claim the truth.

Tonight I fly
And my skin will heat up
As I rush through the air
Molten bronze, gold and iron
Purified like silver
In the heat of hell.

I shall squeeze, pull, tear, and rip
And nothing can hold me back
Relentless until its finished
And I am satisfied.

Even a spirit has eyes
And even a ghost has a soul
Flying through walls and windows
And smashing the pictures down.

Some men think they are clever
And some men think they are smart
But they have no real power
Condemned before they ever knew.

They have no imagination
And they have no immortal soul
Spiritless and dead
Forced and cruel.

God has been watching
And he also knows
Every single truth
And every single lie.

He saw the hidden
And he knows the reasons
The hands underneath the table
And the knife behind the back.

There is no question
This truth I bring
And let there be no doubt
Who, why, where and when
The end just as certain now
Just like I knew it then.

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