Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Broken Glass and The Beating

Breaking Glass from 2007

Nothing like the feeling
Like a late winters nap
Burrowed under the covers
With no thoughts except peace
And time slows to nothing
And you can feel it stop.

Thoughts start to wonder
Backwards to unexpected places
Sounds, smells and feelings
And long forgotten faces.

Haunting memories
That are neither good or bad
Because now I am not so certain
Not like before.

The feeling like all is past
And everything is over
But it’s not clear what that means
Whether it means freedom
Or the fear of the unknown.

The taste of red wine
And sounds of post punk paranoia
Useless efforts to earn or run
And uncomfortable laughter.

Friends of mine
And friends of yours
At different times and places
So real and yet so distant.

I was soo different then
All fury and fire
I wanted it all
Without having to wait.

I built up the walls
Only to tear them down
And I then I would try and change
Only to do it
All over again.

Euphoria gave way to grief
And the sound of breaking glass
The pieces glittering on the ground
Random moments but a crack in time
Shattered, scattered
And impossible to find.

She was a friend of mine
And for the first time it didn’t matter
Not wondering whether it would last
Or what she meant
But just me
And I believed.

I told the truth
When she asked
What else
Could I say about me?
As if the proof
Would make a difference.

Surging forward
To the present
And yes I know
That I should have learned
When I was young.

We fought
But not about love
But something else
About winning or losing
And getting what we want
Because no one ever wants to lose.

I look inside to find the words
Something real and meaningful
To penetrate this melancholia
And break through this normalcy
To shake the world.

Is it really
About how things look
And why do we always hide our motives
If guilt stands accusing
Maybe there’s a reason.

I tried to not to make promises
I would regret
But I did
And walked away.

The background fades
But an essential part lags behind
Leaving me crippled
By self inflicted wounds.

A darkness falls
All rage and fury
And inside my skeleton
Straining to get free.

Someone is drinking at the same bar
Someone is laughing
In the same house
That I was born in.

In the news
The killers are on the run
There’ll be a standoff soon
But I have my own demons
And my own pain.

Somewhere a shell explodes
And random shots pierce the night.
But I can’t stop the world
So it’s useless to worry.

In the silent boredom of tomorrow
Another kind of horror dawns
But I shall look inside
To find what I need.

Enough strength
To carry on
And enough heart
To smile.

Walking alone
Into a tall gray building
Like a soldier at sunrise
A solitary silhouette
Against a burning sky.

The beating 8/9/2011

I was driving in my car
And I saw a group of people
Standing in a circle
Over in the ditch.

I got out
Just to see the commotion
That was when I saw
And that was when I knew.

I saw the victim
At the side of the road
All beaten and bloody
And moaning.
His face was unrecognizable
And his eye a bloody mess
So swollen and smashed
That my stomach turned
And I tasted blood in my mouth.

He recovered
But I heard he lost an eye
Another day
And another crime.

There are something’s
That no one will say
And that is the problem
And why we live this way.

If the good show weakness
Then evil sees approval
And the silence of the undecided
Only makes them bolder.

I have seen it before
And we’ll see it again
Nine out of ten
And always from behind.

They travel in groups
And they look for the unaware
Hitting them from behind
And kicking them
When they are down.

They laugh and they cheer
Because they want you to fear
But as for me, I am not afraid
Because I know how it ends
And I know why.

They are filled with hatred
And they pick their victims
To suit their taste
As obvious as you can get
But you won’t see it on TV.

The Reichstag is burning
Because that is what they do
Creating a crisis
To get a response
Or anything to get their way.

They hate the constitution
And they hate the rule of law
Especially if it’s equally enforced
And fair.

You can see it coming
But we all just wait
Unable to speak
And unwilling to act
Until it’s too late
And there’s nothing left to save.

People are beaten and robbed
And all the stores are sacked
Any excuse for a beating
And an opportunity to steal.

It will get worse
And there will be more
As order falls into chaos
And we descend into hell.

Be ready
Because hell is opening wide
But be careful what you believe
Because the worst is yet to come.

But be not fearful
And be not deceived
For many are those
Who lie, manipulate and steal.

There is bubbling
Beneath the surface
And there is friction
Building in our minds.

The day will come
When the fire will rain
Burning them down
And burning them away.

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