Thursday, September 1, 2011

Death Bomb Poets

Death Bomb Poets

Part one 9/1/2011

Many are those

Who sleep in the dust

And many are those

With their heads in the sand.

But I was born to live

And from that I have learned

Not always easily

And not without pain.

A runaway rebel

In a land of tall shadows

Burning like a prairie fire

Driven by the wind.

A hot dry vacuum

Has left me all alone

And I am burnt and dried out

Still walking forward

Each step painful.

The birds circle

But it is not time to die

Because I have promises to keep

And many debts to pay.

Others have put off the future

Just like me

But they always found an escape

Like translucent golden canopies

That fall from the sky.

Their hardships are gentle

So their thoughts stay shallow

Without any idea

What it means to suffer

Or to want.

I still stand

And I still walk

But my hat is off

Humbled and sad.

But even pain

Can lead to good

And even horror

Can bloom into hope.

What was meant to destroy

Can even make you stronger

Killing off your pride

And leaving you

Wiser and more complete.

There are those who know

But who remain silent

And there are those who plot

There are others who suffer

For all men suffer

And all men weep

But for the grace of God

None would ever live.

I belong to this time

And I speak in riddles

That I do not understand

Bigger than me.

It is ok

To not always know the answer

And it is ok

To not know why.

Our lives meet at a confluence

And interchange with synchronicity

With each and every action

Multiplying outwards

A thousand times a thousand.

I am part of something bigger

Something bigger than myself

And my half forgotten dreams

Have been inspired by the spirit

Undeserved and unannounced.

Inside of me

And inside of others

A torch in our heart

Burning brighter

Than the sun.

Awful things may happen

When they are least expected

But so also is the good

Even though we may not notice

Or even understand.

It is these tiny diamonds

And small gems I write

To find them

And grow them

Larger than myself.

What better dreams

For a poet

And a time

Uncertain but hopeful

Fearful and courageous.

So I’ll search for words

To express these longings

And find inspiration

For those I’ll never know.

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