Thursday, August 25, 2011

Project Looking Glass

For My three year old daughter written in 2004. She is eleven now.

This is for you
My wonderful daughter
My little girl so beautiful
And so happy
I consider as your cheek I kiss
How your spirit overwhelms me with joyful bliss

My little daughter I can still hold you in my arms
Three years old and a master of sly charms
Sole owner of my heart
My love for you forever
Never to depart

My greatest pleasure and my richest treasure
Is your smile and beauty beyond measure
More precious than gold is your joyful laughter
Your singing as Angels in the hereafter

Vivacious and a sparkplug from the start
Dazzling eyes that pierce my heart
Your sense of humor and mischievous grin
A part of my distant self
Too often reigned in

I could not dream of a better blessing
Your spirit a legacy to keep them guessing
To give you to this world
You heart a gift unfurled

Sometimes I worry that I don't deserve you
I wonder what did I say or do
Watching parents for their children grieving
Gods grace a gift to the undeserving

I watch as you play with your books
Always finding a secret nook
Sweetly pretending to read the stories
Self evident of God’s creative glories

Pure is the love you share
With the baby dolls in your care
Tender, sweet and beguiling
Proof of love in you abiding

My love for you is deep and full
My heartstrings yours alone to pull
Dedicated in Gods holy fire
A blessing of my fondest desires

I pray you are protected each and every day
A legion of Angels leading the way
Feeling very blessed and thankful
For you I am eternally grateful

God keep your heart free and full of light
Your spirit a spark this world to ignite
Your life as beautiful as your face is fine
Your gift to me and many divine

Project Looking Glass 8/25/2011

You can’t see much
If you are running in circles
And you can’t find the truth
Falling down a rabbit hole.

Outside the circle
Is the world
Grinding on and on
Without conscience or dreams.

We find comfort where we can
And distract our minds with pleasure
Until we run out of feeling
And the damage is done.

As my eye in the looking glass
It shouldn’t be a surprise
That things come undone
And plans fall apart
Unraveling into a shapeless mess
Oozing between our fingers.

The ancients built chambers
And filled them with secrets
That we do not understand
Spanning the centuries
The same old longings
And conflicts.

There are some things
That are true
And there are other things
That are false.

But it’s hard to tell the difference
Unless you believe
And it’s hard to believe
If you haven’t seen.

In the crypts
Are the sleeping crusaders
And in the tombs
Are the murdered saints
Waiting for transmutation
And waiting for their souls.

Behold the future is unfolding
And doubling over the past
Unexpectedly confirming
What we already knew.

We can connect the dots
But only after the fact
And then we turn around
Open mouthed with shock.

A lie told often enough becomes truth
And the avoidance of pain
Becomes the addiction of our times
As we slowly fade away.

Contemplating the end
Should never break our hearts
Because the end of one thing
Is always the beginning of another.

If there is a time for everything
Then this is a time for loss
As I remember those I knew
And grieve that they are gone.

For some it is time and distance
And for others reasons unknown
But death has claimed a few
With addiction close behind.

They drop off
And out of my life
And I am left alone
Weeping for their memory.

Something’s defy explanation
And it’s best to forget
But something’s and some people
Can never be forgotten
Only muted by time.

I took a long time to know
What could not be taught
Teaching myself over the years
Through hardship, loss and tears.

The staggering weight
Almost crushed me
But I have emerged
Wiser if not stronger
And acutely more aware.

You can’t undo the past
Not through any familiar means
But you must instead live forward
Until you meet again.

Everything is connected
And all the past is present
Looping forward into a collective tomorrow
In between the spaces
That no one can see.

We can let out our breath
And forgive the past
Letting it fall away
Perculating downwards like water
Until it is gone.

At last escaping
From the grip of doubt
And guided by belief
Ascending into heaven.

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