Thursday, August 11, 2011

High Noon

High Noon 8/11/2011

I went for a walk
In the middle of the day
And the sun heated up the clouds
And my shirt stuck to my skin.

I retraced my steps
Back to the old parking lot
The one where we crossed the tracks
And I jumped from the train.

There was no one around
And the weeds grew all over
And I stepped on broken metal and glass
Hot and faded
Rusted and dirty.

The world is colorless
And it is bleached beige and gray
Sucking the life out of my pores
One drop at a time.

Something is different
And something is heavy
And I can almost hear the laughter
Echoing under the bridge.

Today is not a surprise
And tomorrow will be the same
Because I am walking in circles
In the desert
Inside of my head.

Other people are on the street
And other people
Sit by the fountain
Young and full of promise.

But I am old before my time
Seasoned by the bleeding
Never knowing if it was good or bad
And still incomplete.

I am crippled by the past
Heavily burdened
By a sin
That is unforgivien.

The old signs still hang
But barely readable
And the past slowly dies
One speck at a time.

I want to hold on
But also throw away
Because I am caught in the middle
And don’t know where to turn.

We build up
And then we tear apart
Without ever taking stock
About who we are
And where we are going.

I love Just as much now
As I ever did then
But the feeling is gone
And all I have is obligation.

I give and do not question
And I lose without tears
Because they have all been wasted
And there is no more to shed.

The earth has been watered
With my blood and my pride
My name just as meaningless
As the useless and the lost.

The words seem less hurtful now
But anger would do no good
But this peace comes with sadness
The kind that will never heal.

No forced smile can change
The enormity of the loss
And there will never be any pity
For the strong or the good.

I have much to do
And many mountains to climb
More of a choice than a feeling
Without cruel expectations.

Now is the hard part
The time to prove my heart
Whether or not my promises
Are worth more than dreams.


Something slithers out of a lake
And something is hidden under the ice
A darker secret than we can guess
An image in our minds
Or ancient reality
We don’t know
And our lives don’t mean a thing.

I saw the bodies
And I saw the wreckage
Scattered on the walls
And sticking to the ceiling.

The age or terror is upon us
And sudden horror strikes At morning, at night
Or in the middle of the day.

There is no reason
And there is no excuse
Even though some may argue
And some may wish.

A deep malignant hatred
And misplaced rage
Directed at others
Out of jealousy and blame.

The innocent are slaughtered
And the good are slandered
Attacked, ridiculed and mocked
For telling the truth.

How can you fight the enemy
If you can’t say who he is
And how can you survive
If you can’t say why.

A cult of doom
Straight from the heart of darkness
An allegiance to demons
Burning with hatred.

They cut throats
And they murder babies
Cheering at the death of innocents
And laughing at the blood.

They lie and they infiltrate
While we look the other way
An unchecked invasion
To steal, convert, and murder.

Thousands and thousands of acts
All the same
By the same people
For the same reason
All ignored
And swept under the rug.

Armageddon is here
And it is all around us
Feeding the flames
Everywhere you look.

For every problem
There is a solution
And as long as we rise
There is hope.

Evil shall burn
And blow away like ashes
Destroyed in an hour
For once and forever.

But many shall die
For no reason
Because we waited
And because we pretended.

When its too late
Others can point their fingers
And when its all over
Others can weep.

But we have our eyes
And we have our ears
But we will have neither
With our heads in the sand.

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