Friday, August 19, 2011

High Noon at the Hurt Building

High Noon at the Hurt Building 8/19/2011

The sun is high and angry
As I walk alone in the street
But nothing is as it seems
And nothing lasts forever.

I close my eyes
And I can feel the rush of air
As if I am running or flying
With the wind in my hair.

Faster and faster at eye level
Just trying to see and understand
Even though it isn’t worth it
And even though I don’t care.

Waiting is the hardest part
But the time for waiting has ended
Because although I suffer
I also act.

Seldom do we put our thoughts into action
Because more often we dream and wonder
But now I can use my spirit
To do what I never dreamed.

Downtown there are big buildings
And one of them is haunting
A huge block of marble
Monumental and gray.

It is called the Hurt Building
And beside it
There is a park
Full of trees and beggars.

It has lots of marble
And gilded chandeliers
But inside there are spirits
Just like the one
Inside of my skull.

I am here
But also somewhere else
And I walk alone
Because that is how
I had to
And that is how
I survive.

Close your eyes
And think of the end
It doesn’t have to be that bad
And then think of the beginning
And who you really are.

If the end comes
Then there is nothing to dread
And nothing to fear
Nothing but a transition
And a passage.

We are just vessels
And I am but a man
Training ourselves for something better
And something real.

There is more than blackness
And more than sleep
The opposite of silence.
And the absence of pain.

Our flesh may age and wither
But the spirit only gets stronger
Full of power
And limitless promise.

I am learning
And I don’t need any proof
Because I have already seen
And because I already know.

We are more than what we seem
And many are those
Whose vanity is all they have
Empty on the inside
And weak in the heart.

I am a spirit
And I am a ghost
More than just a man
And more than just a name.

Imagine and dream
Create and recreate
Finding ways and finding answers
Miraculous and unexpected.

There is always more
Yet undiscovered
And there are always hidden potentials
Just waiting to be used.

I never knew what I could do
And I never guessed
What I could build
Something stronger than flesh
And more valuable than treasure.

All these hurts
Will all pass away in time
Either by healing
Or by transition.

It is high noon in the south
And it is a time of troubled souls
But not forever if you close your eyes
And believe.

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