Friday, August 26, 2011

Fast Music

Fast Music 8/26/2011

Contemplate the end
It’s not that hard
If you just try
Because there is not much
Here worth saving
But a new beginning
Is priceless.

I have felt the pain
And I have felt the glory
Feeling as though I could do anything
And love everyone.

But I also know what feels like
To lose and to suffer
To cry out and hear silence
And to bury my head
In my own bloody hands.

I was there and I heard the words
I will never forget
All the feelings
And the euphoric dreams.

I heard the Dead Boys
And I listened to the Germs
Back in the day
Before the fall
And all the blood.

I had to lift the car
In order to find them
And I’ll never forget the sight
Barely able to hold them together
And running between my hands.

But I am like a white worm
Squirming around on a bed of glass
Full of cuts
But never dying.

There are different ways to live
And I have tried most of them
But either way
Time always wins
And we always lose.

I had some friends
But I always lose track
Spreading out across the states
Into separate lives
Each one different
But probably the same.

I am stuck in the middle now
And I am just waiting for a change
For something to give
Or just something to happen.

I too want something
But it is usually something
I cannot have
Something elusive and beautiful
And something better off
Without me.

But what is there
That we should fear
The worst is nothingness
And eternal sleep
But the best is glory
And that is worth it all.

There is nothing to hold us back
Nothing but our own strange feelings
But what are conflicting emotions
But just thoughts and diversions.

I can have a purpose
And I can change the world
Maybe not like others
But by one small decision
That changes so many more.

My life spreads out in all directions
And becomes everything
And everyone
Everything I ever wanted
And everyone I ever loved.

There is not a second left to waste
Because each moment
Is a new beginning
A new world
Transmutated from the last.

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