Monday, February 29, 2016

The Trough

just a quick one today, more tomorrow

The Trough                        2/29/2016

A fattened cat
Never goes easy
Biting and scratching
Hissing and spitting.

Evil men
Have killed many
And no deceit is to low
If it gets them
What they want. 

Covered by propaganda
They will never be questioned
Lying every day
And lying every night.

Day after day
Hoax after hoax
Burning with hatred
Intense as the sun.

Threatening and calculating
They manipulate the truth
Murderers from the start
Hiding in the smoke.

The worst is yet to come
And very few
Can ever be trusted
Bought and sold
With their head in the trough.

Snout down
They push and shove
Happily selling us out
For a little more gravy.

Look now the
They hold the head
The innocent murdered
Undefended and unknown.

Doom awaits
But not before end
As we all watch in horror
Atrocity after atrocity
Spread chaos and fear.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Slip and Fall

Mockingbird                                                  2/25/2016                                

It is a long day
And it drags upon the soul
As we, the wounded walk
Dragging the past
Behind us. 

We have waited
But nothing has worked
As the tentacles of evil
Slither in every crevice
And corrupt every man.

We were hurt
And we were stabbed
Cut down in the middle of the day
Half way finished
And almost done.

Our plans upended
And our insides pulled out
Left to bleed in a ditch
And die all alone. 

We were mocked
And we were abused
By the smug and the shallow
The merciless and the cruel.

I tried to wash it away
And I tried hard to forget
But in the end
It is a useless heartbreak. 

Life hurts
And convenient lovers
Will crush your spirit
Happy in the sun
And gone in the night. 

Many have died
And many have suffered
Drowning in despair
All for nothing
But dust in the wind.  

Our hands are tied
And our kindness abused
As we watch
With our mouths wide open
The treachery and the hate.

I look at them
But they never knew me at all
Small, smug, and hateful
Doomed, dumb and dead.

The liar will lie
Just like he always has
Hiding behind walls
To pick us apart.

Giving only to take
And loving only to steal
Soulless, empty,
Arrogant, and vain. 

We have heard the words
But how often, have we learned?
Not just the beginning
But all of it
Word for word.

In due time
Their foot will slip
Destined to die
And destined to fail. 

Black Birds

Black Bird                      2/25/2016

Blackbirds search  
In a gray winter sky
Crying out secrets
I will never know. 

The coyotes are dead
So the ravens must eat
Sitting on the wires
Circling my head.

What worked before
Does not work now
And what pleasures
Have I known
That have all passed me by.

I huddle in my sleep
And draw up my legs
Colder than the evening
The dark before the dawn. 

Whispering ghosts
Tickling my ear
Food for the birds
Left in a ditch. 

Unspeakable is the loss
That no one understands
So we hold it captive
In our heart

It becomes a strange comfort
That we nurse
Drawing out the blood
To watch it bleed. 

The birds know me
And I know them
Both afraid
But both alive. 

Half a Loaf

 Half life                             2/25/2016

For half a life
We all swallowed the bait
Believing in a world of ideas
That were never true at all. 

We listened to speakers
Who made their best case
Appealing to our sensibilities
On how to chart a course.

But in the end
It was all pretend
A parliamentary trick
To divide up the loot
Providing a comfortable life
No matter who should win.

Trading spaces
And trading places
Just to keep us going
A fake fight
To please the masses
Dumb in the dark. 

All bought with gravy
Filling every plate
Laughing at the people
No better than tools. 

They ask for money
And they track our every thoughts
Betting on ignorance
And greed. 

Buying off the foolish
With almost nothing at all
And kicking the can
Down the street
For all of us to pay.  

If you are awake
They you are the enemy
A person to be ignored,
Or ridiculed. 

Marginalized and diluted
Until we all pass away
The fruits of a middle class
Attacked and condemned. 

Funny how it works out
Just like it was written
As the bar is lowered
And all the beasts rush in. 

Set up for the slaughter
Reduced expectations are the norm
As the young and most vulnerable
Never see the light of day. 

Because if you cannot remember
You cannot know
The difference between
The truth and a lie. 

Those with much to lose
Will fight tooth and nail
Anything to win
And get what they want. 

We who remain
Must only wait and watch
Watching for every sign
That most assuredly will come
Drenched in blood. 

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The longest walk

Hurt Park                              2/24/2016

It will never be easy
Because the memory
Is just too heavy to lift
Crushing me down 
As I struggle to forget.

I slept with her sweater
Until the scent was gone
And I walked through
The same old streets
Over and over again. 

Stuck in an endless loop
And unable to escape
The unknowable cost
Of self-loathing
And regret. 

It is easier to forgive
Than it is to survive
Because words once spoken
Can never
Truly be swallowed. 

We do what we do
Even though
We know
Unable to stop
Resentment and emotion.

Others don’t know
And they remain
As we remember
Stuck in one dimensional pictures
And long lost feelings. 

The agony is all ours
And God only knows the truth
About why it all has to be
And what it is
We should learn. 

It hurt
And it made me angry
But still I wonder
And still I wait.

People do things
Inexplicable and strange
For all the worst reasons
Spoken and unspoken. 

The truth floats above my head
While I jump up and down
Slippery and elusive
Peaceful and perfect.

It has to be enough
That we just don’t know
But still we keep on trying
Even for nothing at all. 

All there is
Is faith
And prayer
Even if unanswered
And silent.

Whatever may come
We are together
All of us who try
And are forgiven.

But whatever the truth
Evil will yet slip
In due time
Falling backwards
Into nothingness. 

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Fruit of Death

Rotten                                               2/23/2016

Can you see
The rotten fruit
Hanging from the tree
Dripping putrid hate
Poisonous and dead.

A ghastly sight
Repulsive and empty
The skeletal fingers
Swaying in the wind. 

The dead tree speaks
And calls to the fruit
A dead prophet of doom
Blood thirsty for murder.

The innocent sleep
Because they have 
Never been warned
Trusting and young
Vulnerable and old. 

A tragedy of nameless victims
Unreported and unheard
Asleep in eternity
In the here
And the now.

Buried or burned
Unheralded and unremembered
The victims blamed
And hatred excused. 

Without monuments
And without protest
Cut, crushed, or battered,
Savaged, beaten, and raped.

The endless names
No one dares speak
As if defending your family
Could ever be a sin.

Evil never sleeps
And evil has no shame
Always watching 
And waiting.  

Let them go hungry 
And die in their blood
Eaten away 
From the inside out.  

He is coming 
And he is near 
Now more than ever
Wake up, and hear.