Friday, October 30, 2015


Birdseye                                                                        10/30/2015

Fill the ditch
And light it up
Without care or regret
Fearless and free.

Spinning our wheels
For no reason at all
A time and times again
Before we see
Or know.

I can’t see the waves
But yet, they are everywhere
Collapsed like information
On the head of a pin.

Zero is the distance
Between them and me
And zero is the hour
Ahead, and behind. 

Prisoners of our own bodies
Our hands are made of clay
Grasping, but never catching
Lightning in a bottle. 

Water runs deep
And falls gently on my head
Cooling my fevered thoughts
Of anguish and loss.

Somewhere out there
Is everything, we were
Still innocent, perfect, 
jubilant, and kind. 

All of this is nothing
But all we had
Was everything
Captured forever
Changeless and gold.

Smaller than we can detect
Yet larger than our dreams
The limitless possibilities
Of the human spirit
Awakened at last.

Flying free, above our heads
Blazing through the sky
At one single instant
And everywhere.

Nothing will be beyond our grasp
Unbound and unchained
No longer in fear  
Or want. 

Loved and beloved
Giving and sharing
Burning in the heart of God
Brilliant, Beautiful, and free. 


Jim                                      10/30/2015

I have dreaded things
That never happened
But horror comes
Sudden and unexpected.

Words are not enough
And condolences
Are only condolences
As we stumble blind
Alone and weeping. 

One minute you were here
And the next you are gone
Silent to the heartbreak
We all fear.

Eighteen months ago
We buried your son
And now we must also
Bury you. 

Gone before
And gone ahead
Across the river
To the far bank
Shrouded in fog.

Just because
We cannot see
Does not mean
We do not know. 

And just because
We cannot hear
Does not mean
We forget.

Love conquers all
And it can conquer death
Tearing down the veil
Between then and now
You and us. 

Peace comes with patience
And I know you are not alone
Reunited, laughing,
And shouting with joy. 

We are all here
And we shall all awaken
Born of more than blood
Washed, clean, and perfect.   

You know
And we guess
Until then we pray
Fighting free
And eternally blessed.  

Thursday, October 29, 2015

The Waiting Game

The Wait                            10/29/2015

It is not something
I would have asked
And it is not something
I could have known. 

Life is given
And consciousness
Is a gift
And misunderstood.    

But yet all of this has happened
Both the dizzying heights
And the devastating lows
Dragging me and pushing me
To destinations unknown.   

Sometimes the good change
And sometimes the good fall
Compromised, bullied
Coerced, or betrayed. 

And senseless are the questions
That run through my mind
As I wonder about things
I cannot change
Over and over again. 

Many go along
Unaware of the damage
Starting fires
Wherever they go
Unthinking and unconcerned.

But, I am just a stranger
Living in a strange world
Learning how to swallow
All that I left behind. 

No matter what I do
Or how far I have come
I still remain, one word away
From grief
And shame. 

Like a skeleton
Buried in a wall
Always there
And trying to get out. 

I crossed that river
A long time ago
And now, no matter  
How hard I try
I will never make it back.

Incomplete and unresolved
I suffer the futility of pride
As I fling myself ever upward
Against the rocks.

Fling yourself also
But not out of dread
But only to know
And remember. 

All of this is going away
But you and I
We have forever
More than enough
To wait for.    

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Deep Drop

Deep Drop         10/28/2015

In the dead of night
Unread and undisclosed
Secret deals discussed and signed
Traded away for nothing
Just like we always knew.

The sun is blotted out
And all the words
Can disappear
But even then
We know the truth.

Open the cages
And release the beasts
Because none of it is random
No matter what they say. 

Follow the line
And follow the leader
A pied piper of death
Up and over
Dead and down. 

In darkness
Evil awaits
Suddenly attacking
The vulnerable
And unaware.

Just as predators
Follow the herd
Patiently waiting
For the solitary straggler
To savage and devour.

We can lie
And we can believe
But in the end
This is real
And deadly.

The long dark night
Has already began
The truth obscured in the shadows
Like it never happened at all. 

But horror
Even if unacknowledged
Has surely occurred
Premeditated and executed
One here
And one there.

The candles flicker
And electricity fails
Setting us up
The same as yesterday. 

And shameless
Watch them wait
And watch them laugh.

Flooding our house
And flooding our street
Soaking us up
And rotting us out. 

Shine through
And do not give in
Because fear is nothing
And truth is priceless. 


Lexicon                                10/28/2015

I finally unpacked the books
Boxes and boxes of dusty tomes
Carefully examining each one
Before selecting the proper shelf.

It has been years
Since I last read them
As I felt each cover
And thought about the past.

Much has happened
And much has changed
Moving from one place to another
Unable to relax and settle. 

I think of the people
Who gave me each one
Where I was in life
And what I thought
At the time. 

Each one a window
On the world
A physical snapshot of time
Through the minds of the living
And the dead.

An unchanging string of thoughts
That we can interpret for ourselves
Looking through our own eyes
And time. 

Circumstances change
But ideas are something else
Structured through a conduit
Of reason, logic, and values.

The archetypes of philosophy
Spread out before me
Enshrined in a civilization
Suicidal and blind.    

We can chant all we want
And we can deny it a thousand times
But what is
Still happens
And becomes stronger each day. 

Priceless and irreplaceable
The essential search for meaning
Without it
We are nothing
But beasts in a field. 

Tuesday, October 27, 2015


Precipice                                      10/27/2015 

The cliff comes
A deep and yawning void
Calling us down
Headlong and dumb.

We have come far
But we have long since forgotten
Who it is we are
And from where
We came. 

No man is perfect
So we might as well laugh
At the incredible stupidity of man
Stubborn, fragile, and vain. 

We played in the sun
And the chlorine stung our eyes
But the warms days are over
And winter is coming.

The leaves have turned
And fall wet upon the ground
We found a red one
And also a gold. 

Nothing was ever free
And neither is this
A ripened world
Groaning under time. 

Grinding us down
Slowly and inexorably
Thinning the herd
One death at a time.