Friday, February 20, 2015

Wind Chill

Wind Chill         2/20/2015

Same today as yesterday
The debilitating weight of time
Hitting my like a freight train 
Running me through
And running me over.   

Sometimes we fly high
And that can be a great feeling
High above the claws
And beyond the reach of arrows.  
But the fall can be hard
As gravity drags us downwards
Inevitably falling 
For what it seems like forever. 

Going up
We see, what we want
But, coming down 
We see the reality 
Rushing to meet us.

But not all who open their eyes
Will ever see the truth
As they have grown scales
Of cynicism and lies.

Unwilling and unable
To let go of childish emotions
Preferring instead 
The comfort of blame 
And hatred. 
They hear not
The voice of God
So far down the path
That nothing can reach them. 

We bend over backwards
And jump through endless hoops 
To please them 
Sacrificially, dying a little more
Each and every day. 

The driving force of man 
Like the whims of our nature
Remain as they were 
Either for good 
Or for bad.  

Cutting me 
And cutting you 
Because that is what they are
And that is what they do.

Let the sheep follow
And let the wolves stalk
Until we chase them starving
Straight into hell.  

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