Friday, February 6, 2015


Lullaby 2/6/2015

In the long dark night
We wrestle with fevers and chills
Sweating through the sheets
And struggling to care.’

The only thing
I ever destroyed
Was myself
And the only thing I ever lost
Was never mine at all. 

It hurts to try
And it’s easy to give up
But either way
We slide downhill

But good men cannot give up
And the courageous
Cannot allow themselves
To abandon those who remain innocent
And unborn. 

Defending yourself
Is not an atrocity
And separating from depravity
Is not a sin. 

Free to live
And free to think
Going where we want
And living how we must.

My children’s, children cannot ask
And they have yet to cry
But who would I be
If I did not fight
And did not try. 

There is no safety
And we are exposed
Dangled in front of the lions
And dragged naked through the streets.

Evil grows bold
And will get bolder still
As predictable as the sun
Cruel and terrifying. 

They hide and attack
Vicious and cowardly
Only to scurry away like roaches
Celebrating death
And horrific murder. 

Beware those who sleep
And pray that you stay awake
Because the hour of deception is here
Whispering in our ear.  

They sing lullaby’s
And they will create distractions
But evil is in their heart
Growing like a cancer.  

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