Monday, February 23, 2015

Vise Grip

Vise Grip   2/23/2015

Spin it sideways 
And say what you will
Because I have heard it all
A thousand times before. 
Walk on by

And open up the door
Oblivious to the truth
Crouching in the shadow..

Sharpened knives
And dull dead eyes 

Reflecting the moonlight
In jagged silvery lines.

Patiently waiting
For someone to enter
The good, unsuspecting
Foolish, and spoiled.

Self-confidant, naive,
Controlled and dumb
Foolish enough to trust
And turn their back.    

Taught since birth
To believe a lie
Ignoring all the warnings
Everywhere you look.   

The dumb lead the dumb
And empty out their pockets
Swallowing every distraction
Hook, line, and sinker. 

It’s got them by the guts
But they don’t know it yet
Running deeper
And falling asleep. 

But the truth is here
The same at it ever was
And its a lot more than these cliches
Predictable and sad.  

What courage does it take
To kick at the dead
Beating up a punching bag
Filled with straw.

Let them blow their whistle
Foolish and shallow
Lost in a world
Long gone by.      

There is no safety
And there is no dream
Nothing but the promise
And bitter regret.  

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