Thursday, February 12, 2015


Denouement       2/12/2015

Some people drink Gin
And some people ride in boxcars
Swaying and clanging
On their way to the end.

Evil is here
And it wreaks unspeakable horror.
Like hands coming out the ground
Grabbing at our feet
And dragging us down. 

The hated are left undefended
Exposed to atrocity
And sudden terror
Offered up like lambs
To the slaughter. 

Make no mistake
Because it is no accident
That many are those
Who look the other way.

You and I are nothing to them
Useful scapegoats
To burn as straw men
Set up and stacked up
To work and die. 

Like plastic in a landfill
Or mold in grout
Something’s last forever
Until you dig it out.  

It can all seem hopeless
But there is always more
If only we could see
And tip it all over. 

Good has already won
And that is why, we are here
Watching evil men spasm
For as long as they can. 

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