Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Come out, come out

Come out, come out   2/11/2015

If wade through the water
You will sink
When ledge drops away
Flailing your arms
And drowning.    

You can sink,
Or you can swim
But even the best swimmer
Can’t last forever. 

Exhausted and dehydrated
Floating and dead
Food for fish
And eaten by worms.   

There was a  dream
And there was a hope
But now it is gone
An inch at a time.  

The horses are out of the barn
And the gates are left open
As the beasts laugh in the street
Picking off the old, sick, stragglers
One at a time.

Dumb, compliant
Crude and venal
They swarm for scraps
Over the dead
And the dying. 

What have we done?
That we forgot about tomorrow
Paralyzed by words
And fear.

More worried about reputation
Than about morals
And coveting money
That’s gone in a day. 

Position, favor, employment
Or preferment
Dangled like carrots
For everyone to see. 

The truth is forbidden
And crudeness celebrated
By the lost, clueless
Empty, and dead.   

Time is running out
And evil rules the day
Taking everything
And giving nothing. 

Do not give up
And do not give in
Though you’re on the ropes
Bruised and bloody. 

Just look up
And ask
Pray for strength
And come out swinging!


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