Tuesday, February 10, 2015


Unplugged         2/10/2015

Time to pull the plug
And let it all drain down
A little too late
But well worth the trouble. 

It’s hard to let go
But sometimes
It’s all you can do
If you want to grip 
On what really matters more.

Often a door must close
For another one to open
But win, lose or draw
There is always more
On the other side. 

By now, we know what is true
And we know what is fake
Bloody, naked and pale
Right under our nose.  

And many are the murdered
Nameless, and faceless
Intentionally forgotten
And systematically attacked

Many are working overtime
Just to muck up the system
Top heavy, dumb
Convoluted and wasted. 

Weighing us down
And drowning us out
Reduced to peasants
Ignorant and dumb. 

Defenseless, powerless
Useless and expendable
Voting on command
And eliminated at will.  

Sheep graze
Until the slaughter
And we to, are taught
To nod our heads
Silent and compliant.  

With each inch
Evil is emboldened
Lying more every day
Just to steal
And starve. 

I was raised on a promise
That no longer applies
As we are leveraged out
Over our heads. 

Nothing is left
And everything is owed
Squeezed out, from both sides
By confiscation and bribes.  

The odds are stacked
Out of intimidation and fear
The colossal lie 
And untouchable. 

So this is the dream
Gift wrapped with tissue
Nothing but an empty box
Six feet deep.  

Breath it in
And feel it in your blood 
The very air laden with tension
And groaning from pain. 

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