Friday, February 27, 2015

Sea Saw

Sea Saw      2/27/2015

All the best efforts
Melt like butter
Burning away
Until nothing remains.   

It’s hard to tread water
With concrete around your neck
And its hard to survive
When you are surrounded.

Bled out
And overworked
Struggling against the undertow
Dragging you down. 

How long can you defend
The indefensible
And how long can you survive?
Holding your breath.

Lead weights
And heavy water
Rusting in a graveyard
Under the sea. 

Rising and falling
Over an iron coffin
The meaningless death
Of many and one.  

Wave after wave
Tumbles the rocks
Breaking us down
Until there is nothing at all.  

What you see
Is not random
And what you fear
Is coming soon.  

Those who run
Will have nowhere to hide
But those who stand
Shall live forever.  

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