Wednesday, February 4, 2015

French Toast

French Toast    2/4/2015

I am you
And you are me
Souls projected into bodies
And running in a maze.   

An avatar in game
As we spend our lives
Trying not to die
Never learning
And flailing our arms.

Words have power
But we waste them, anyway
And empty. 
This road to hell
Is marked with barbarism
Cruel, savage,
And horrific.    

Their enablers are complicit
And silence is acceptance
As we all slouch forward
And stumble to the end.

While I write
Many face death
Wracked with pain,
Gaunt, and hollow.

Some are forgotten
And dismissed like trash
By the petulant, narcissistic
Vulgar, and crass.

Call out their names
And shout it our boldly
That pride is more about dignity
Than unimaginable hate.  

Life is temporary
But the spirit is forever
And we shall live with ourselves

The giants have no power
And even the tiger in the brush
Cannot kill
What it does not, understand. 

Ten thousand years from now
I will still be me
Ten thousand times, ten thousand
Wiser and free. 

Dream dreams
And let the light shine through
Because all that we own
Is now. 

The first is a sacrifice
And the second takes a chance
But courage conquers all
With faith and conviction. 

Let us laugh out loud
Without apology
Determined to protect
All that we love. 

Upright and defiant
Fiercely loyal
To all that we are
Or ever hope to be.  

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