Monday, February 9, 2015

Dug Out

Dug Out     2/9/2015

Sliding sideways through the gravel
And spinning out
In the opposite direction
Just to say that I am alive
And for no reason at all.  

We may live
Or we may die
But it is no less risky
To give up
Than it is to try. 

I was safe
And then I wasn’t
And once I was young
But now I am not. 

The dust settles
On my brain
And the spider have spun webs
Over all that remains. 

Nothing is simple
And nothing is easy
Not after you have tried
And lost
Wounded and empty. 

Empty is the sun
Baking on my head
And dumb are the dreams
Of idle thoughts. 

For the many years wasted and foolish
And the endless prospects
When I was uncorrupted,
And untested.      

Many have not asked
And maybe, they never will
Comfortable in themselves
And safe in cell.    

Enabled, coddled
Safe, and rude
Unconsciously wandering
From one choice to another. 

But I will dig a hole
And tunnel out
Free as I ever was
But never understood. 

It is yours
And it is mine
So let us have it
All or nothing.   

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