Thursday, February 5, 2015


Suppression     2/5/2015

The smaller the man
The bigger the lie
Because only the humble
Can grow inward
Like a giant.  

Today of all days
It is an honor to live
Even though we face terror
And betrayal. 

The good will be tested
While the evil remain safe
But even this is a blessing
As we are prodded
And stretched. 

Trials and tribulations
Make us think
Pulling and pushing us
To search and grow. 

But Idle comfort
And false safety
Stunt the soul
Spoiling us like an infant

The truth can get you punished
Now more than ever
As the world grows top heavy
And rotten.

Slowly rumbling
And trembling under the weight
As we layer on the deceit
Rancid with mold.  

The truth is obvious
But this only raises the stakes
As the liars become desperate
To punish who they hate. 

Victory eludes them
And our happiness
Drives them insane
As we go about our lives
Loving just the same. 

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