Monday, February 9, 2015


Swordplay   2/9/2015

Small victories
Are hard to measure
But sometimes even a moment of silence
Can make all the difference. 

Sliding doors open and close
And either we get in
Or wait a little longer
But either way
Here we are.

I drove away
With her house in the rearview mirror
As I rounded the cul de sac
And headed for home. 

Nothing has changed
But I was at peace
Having done no harm
Except to shake my head.    

Others can scream
And others can stew
Straining their hearts
For nothing at all. 

But for me
Let me relish the silence
Strong enough to win
But smart enough to go. 

This world belongs to them
As if they, could ever own it
And bitter fruit is what they will eat
For all that they wrought.   

Welcome to the knighthood
The secret order of faith
A sacred honor of humans
Stronger than iron.  

To join is to live
And learn
To be blooded with sacrifice
And suffering. 

If you truly live
Then you will be wounded
And if you truly love
You will be betrayed.  

To ask, is to risk
And to try, is to lose
Crushed down beneath the ground
For no reason at all. 

Before we ever knew
We were forgiven
And before we take another step
Let us love and remember.  

We are tied together
By more than blood
Because flesh is weak and withers away
But the bond of souls
As cords in a rope
Is stronger than the world. 

Let them wail
And let them rage
Devoured by hatred
Collapsing on their head. 

Burning through
And burning downward
Suffering forever
Alone in their minds.   

This kind of peace
Shall elude them
For even in the midst of death
We shall always
Have each other. 

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