Thursday, February 26, 2015


 Upload   2/26/2015

If everyone stood up
Then we could not fall down
Tipped over like dominoes
In a long convoluted chain. 

Every day is a minefield
As we tip toe through the glass
Slowly bleeding to death
One drop at a time. 

The curve of the future
Turns sharply down
Diminishing you
And destroying me.   

Overly engineered
And poorly planned
A world unhinged
And spiraling downwards fast.

Everything we do
Is poured out
And wasted
As water becomes dust
And blood becomes sand.  

There is no way out
Except to sink or climb
As we pump our legs up a mountain
Steep and mighty. 

The past is a memory
Information in a file
Stored inside our brains
And determining who we are. 

But there is something more
An invisible secret
Hidden in our genes
Determined in advance
Before we ever knew.

They search for us
But we don’t know ourselves
Educated to be blind
And taught to be dumb. 

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