Friday, February 13, 2015


Friday           2/13/2015

Type the words
And let them fly
Going where they will
And germinate where they land. 

But for those who hate the truth
The truth is hate
Because they prefer the safety
Of blame and falsehood.

But for us
We are stretched
Buffeted by obstacles
And chastened our mistakes. 

Nothing is forgiven
And nothing excused
As we hold ourselves
To the highest standards
Again and again.  

So look at the fools
Safe in their delusions
Sinking into insanity
And flashing their teeth. 

The world goes on
Shallow, dumb and fake
Humming itself to sleep
Pointless and weak.   

Hiding in the bushes
You can almost see
The stalking predator
Watching like an animal
To strike and kill. 

Unable to create
Or learn
And dependent upon prey
They gorge themselves on blood
Every single day.

Those who sleep
Are betrayed
Fed to the dogs
Dead in a dish.  

Others have lived
And others have died
So let’s make it count
And open up our hearts
For everyone to see.  

Let the words fall
Big as the sky 
And true.   

It may seem pointless
And it may seem dumb
But many are those 
Who sleep in silence
Buried in regret.  

It is better to try 
Than it is to sleep 
And even when wounded 
We can learn to smile.    

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