Friday, February 27, 2015

Stepping Stone

Stepping Stone      2/27/2015

The beast is fed
With innocent blood
By those who sleep in safety
Tonight and tomorrow.

They hope and they plan
Trading truth for money
Giving up others
So that they may rise. 

But their peace
Is temporary
And their safety
A joke.

Time changes everything
And with each grain of sand
The beaches form
And spread.

What has betrayal bought?
Nothing but time
As the engines drone on
Consuming us all.  

Evil men make excuses
And lie about the causes
Fueled by insatiable hatred
And a twisted psyche.

Hiding the facts
And assigning the blame
Regardless of how obvious
The brutal truth. 

Horror upon horror comes
But what will it take?
For the greater to rise up
And do what he must. 

Find the strength
And mean it
In defense of all you are
For every bloody inch. 

Know the truth
And do not forget
That he who is in us
Has overcome the world.  

Sea Saw

Sea Saw      2/27/2015

All the best efforts
Melt like butter
Burning away
Until nothing remains.   

It’s hard to tread water
With concrete around your neck
And its hard to survive
When you are surrounded.

Bled out
And overworked
Struggling against the undertow
Dragging you down. 

How long can you defend
The indefensible
And how long can you survive?
Holding your breath.

Lead weights
And heavy water
Rusting in a graveyard
Under the sea. 

Rising and falling
Over an iron coffin
The meaningless death
Of many and one.  

Wave after wave
Tumbles the rocks
Breaking us down
Until there is nothing at all.  

What you see
Is not random
And what you fear
Is coming soon.  

Those who run
Will have nowhere to hide
But those who stand
Shall live forever.  

Thursday, February 26, 2015


 Upload   2/26/2015

If everyone stood up
Then we could not fall down
Tipped over like dominoes
In a long convoluted chain. 

Every day is a minefield
As we tip toe through the glass
Slowly bleeding to death
One drop at a time. 

The curve of the future
Turns sharply down
Diminishing you
And destroying me.   

Overly engineered
And poorly planned
A world unhinged
And spiraling downwards fast.

Everything we do
Is poured out
And wasted
As water becomes dust
And blood becomes sand.  

There is no way out
Except to sink or climb
As we pump our legs up a mountain
Steep and mighty. 

The past is a memory
Information in a file
Stored inside our brains
And determining who we are. 

But there is something more
An invisible secret
Hidden in our genes
Determined in advance
Before we ever knew.

They search for us
But we don’t know ourselves
Educated to be blind
And taught to be dumb. 

The Valley

The Valley 2/26/2014

One day before Friday
And fifty years down a rabbit hole
Where down is up
And up is down.  

A bizarre universe
Has penetrated the present
Producing a surreal reality
Of deafening denial.

My thoughts drift
As I waste my time
Trying hard to escape
The weight of time. 

I think of laughter
And a silver slipper
Cool sheets
And spilled champagne.

Dizzily I stand
And look down the hall
Alone in an empty building
On a frozen afternoon. 

If everything is lost
Then I wonder why I am here
Still going through the motions
Unaware and dumb. 

Right is left
And left is right
As darkness covers the sun

I want to save
And be saved
Drowning in her arms
For just one more night. 

Far away and far above
This endless farce
As I spiral down another lead
Upside down
And pointless.

But I was never more alive
Than when I told the truth
Standing straight
Even in loss
And even in defeat.  

But I am torn
And I am tired
As strong as I am weak
Double minded
And doubled over.

I have returned
To the valley
But it is not the same
Gone almost before it was
And frozen in time. 

The people are soulless
And evil multiplies
Like bacteria
Everywhere we look
And everywhere we die. 

Monday, February 23, 2015

Vise Grip

Vise Grip   2/23/2015

Spin it sideways 
And say what you will
Because I have heard it all
A thousand times before. 
Walk on by

And open up the door
Oblivious to the truth
Crouching in the shadow..

Sharpened knives
And dull dead eyes 

Reflecting the moonlight
In jagged silvery lines.

Patiently waiting
For someone to enter
The good, unsuspecting
Foolish, and spoiled.

Self-confidant, naive,
Controlled and dumb
Foolish enough to trust
And turn their back.    

Taught since birth
To believe a lie
Ignoring all the warnings
Everywhere you look.   

The dumb lead the dumb
And empty out their pockets
Swallowing every distraction
Hook, line, and sinker. 

It’s got them by the guts
But they don’t know it yet
Running deeper
And falling asleep. 

But the truth is here
The same at it ever was
And its a lot more than these cliches
Predictable and sad.  

What courage does it take
To kick at the dead
Beating up a punching bag
Filled with straw.

Let them blow their whistle
Foolish and shallow
Lost in a world
Long gone by.      

There is no safety
And there is no dream
Nothing but the promise
And bitter regret.