Friday, August 1, 2014

Falling Through

Falling Through 8/1/2014 

You are not the only one
Who may not feel worthy
And its not that uncommon
To feel misunderstood.  

Countless are the times
That I felt worthless
As I was forgotten
And passed over.  

Nothing but a piece of trash 
Crumpled on the floor 
Bleeding out 
Falling forward
Fainted and dead.   

But if you felt it
Even if, in your mind
Then you are not the first 
And you are not the last.

But life is not about
What we deserve
And it’s not about
What we are worth. 

No one gets it all
And even the fortunate
Suffer and die
Surrendering every advantage
In death. 

There are no guarantees
And even evil men
Cannot cheat time
Even if they try
And even if they kill.

There are always greater things
Than what we have lost
And losing is not half as bad
As not trying at all.  

I thought that I was useless
And I thought that I was a waste
As I lay bleeding
And stabbed in the back. 

But then I didn’t know
All that I know now
About how we can overcome
Everything and everyone.

We can hold our heads high
Even in shame
And even in heartache
If we make the leap
Inside our head.   

But we all must remember
That it may not be noticed
And that great sacrifice 
May not be rewarded.

Contentment is a long time coming
And it is not for the greedy 
Or the shallow 
But rather it is a gift 
For those who endure.  

The world spins 
In a fog 
Indistinct and blurry
As we run, walk or crawl 
Into the black.  

Our world collapsing 
Into a tunnel 
As it narrows to a pin point 
And we are gone.  
But cover us not 
Because we are not finished
And have only scratched the surface
On the flip side of life.  

When you are down
You might get a glimpse
Of all that is possible
When you awake.

It is then that the journey starts
As we remember what we knew 
Ready to appreciate every instant
And claim it back again.  

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