Friday, August 22, 2014


Twisted 8/22/2014

Life is like a twisting rope
Pulled tight
And starting to fray
As we try to climb up backwards
Before we snap and fall.

Pushing and straining
Red in the face
To make ourselves successful
Even though we are destined to lose
For no point at all. 

Road signs flash by
Reminding us where we have been
And where we are going
But underneath our feet
The past is covered up
Like it never happened at all. 

Many have chosen a career
Over truth
And many have lied
To protect their reputation. 

But all of that is lost
And crumbles away
As we fall on our heads
Empty and dumb.

Useless as a broken tool
We sell ourselves
For nothing
Missing what is important
Until it’s too late.

Dead men don’t care
For their chance is over
Frozen in their pride
And emotional stupidity.

Be here we are
Just as lost as forever
Never knowing or understanding
That we were safe all along.

They have done their worst
And now they will burn
Dangling upside down
And falling forever. 

Let go
And I will catch you
Just as, I was caught
A long time ago. 

There is no fear
And there is no death
But only different places
And different matter. 

We have prepared ourselves
And will receive what we know
Deep down within
The same as we always knew.

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