Friday, August 8, 2014


 Pinpoint 8/8/2014

It’s just a little pin prick
And it’s just a little time
This day in the doldrums
Of endless tedium.

Everything we worry about
Comes and goes
And dread becomes
Just another emotion
Useless and wasted. 

I understand the feeling
And I also
Have a lump in my throat
But even this is nothing
As we rise up
Again and again.   

Tonight I will embrace my family
Imperfectly perfect
But this time I will hold them longer
And tighter. 

It’s not always easy
And God knows
All that we have seen
As we stagger through another day
On our way to the end. 

We have laughed like pirates
And we have wept bitter tears
Holding on to our last shreds of sanity
With nothing but fingernails. 

The dumb
Will never understand
As they succumb
To vanity and pride. 

But to the thinkers
And the philosophers
They will know
And understand. 

Some want to think for you
And it is them
That you must fear
Because it is they who would destroy
Every spark from God. 

But God will always provide
A way out
As we all watch
Frustrated evil
Explode in rage. 

They can make us suffer
But God will heal
As we learn to claim
The priceless peace  
Of life eternal.       

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