Tuesday, August 5, 2014


Piecemeal   8/5/2014

Yes I was the one
Who let her know
Telling more than I should have
Or perhaps, not near enough.  

None of us, know it all
But we each know a part
Each one  a missing piece
In a giant puzzle. 

Each piece different
With irregular edges
Fitting together precisely
Just like we should. 

Similar and different
We each make a picture
Making sense
In the final result. 

You need a key to unlock the door
And by sharing ideas
We find the truth
Hidden for the longest time
Right under our nose. 

Looking backwards
Everything makes sense
And then all it takes
Is the capstone
To make all work
And make it all complete. 

Without eternity
There is no purpose
And poetry is just
A misfire
Of my dying brain. 

We do what we can
And fling ourselves upwards
Striving every higher
With experience
And effort.  

But life is more
Than an uphill fight
As sometimes the greatest gifts
Are when we fall down. 

Because it is then
That we can learn
That it isn’t about us
But about something far greater
Perfect and sublime. 

Everything works together
And together we make everything work
Just as a circuit board
And a machine. 

We are more
Than what we know
And the converse is also true
That what we build
Can also be destroyed
If the pieces are wrong.   

But all of us together
Create something unique
Altogether different
And better than before. 

Before life there is darkness
But life is deliberate
And beautiful
More than enough to fill the void
Then, now, and forever.

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