Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Watershed 8/6/2014

It can be overwhelming
The heavy burden of being
As the weight of time grows
With every agonizing loss.

Food will lose its taste
And every pleasure becomes a bore
As you see the pitiful results
Of mindless horror. 

Storms come
And the wind drives by
But it passes
just like every day before.

When the sun hurts your eyes
Then you live in darkness
And when it hurts to smile
You curl up in bed. 

Shrinking you inwards
As your heart atrophies
Until you no longer desire
To rise or try. 

Pain hurts
And that’s why we avoid it
But the opposite is not the numbness
That I sought, will all my heart. 

We seek the numbness
Only because, it masks the fear
As we shuffle like zombies
On our way to the end. 

It has killed many
And it will kill many today
As we shrink from life
One nod at a time. 

Our arms become a weight
And mind retreats
Avoiding everything
And everyone. 

Giving up
And giving in
We become as driftwood
Washing up
Dead, bleached, and brittle.  

If you have felt it
Then you understand
How it feels to be happy
And crushed along the way. 

When no effort can awaken
The dead parts of the self
Then you know you are wasted,
Impotent and friendless.

But the dread of the day
Is only dread
And the fear of loss
Is only fear. 

Nothing more than a day dream
And nothing more than feeling
No different than anticipation
And joy. 

Children still smile
And true friends remain
As we learn to appreciate
The sparking jewels
Of unexpected blessings. 

Fall on me
And wash away the past
As we throw our heads back
In laughter. 

Here is the gem
And now is the time
As we learn to smile
With nothing but faith
And promise. 

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